Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern, Clerk
Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Greg made a motion to approve the agenda. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
There were no gopher bounties.
Under New Business the mobile home park safe house was discussed. Greg had information about available funding for the
construction of a safe house at the mobile home park. There had been interest in the project a number of years ago. Greg
will contact someone at the mobile home park and give them the information.
Under unfinished business the Vehicles in Right-of Way policy was discussed. Greg has asked Justin Burslie to review
the policy and let the town board know if he sees any issues in the policy. There was discussion about headwalls, non-conforming
mailboxes, culvert costs, obstructions in the right-of-way, and notification of residents before enforcement action is taken.
The policy will be presented for approval at the annual meeting in March.
Brad reported on the Planning Commission meeting on Monday, September 9, 2019. The Planning Commission has not been looking
at the violations of Martin Copa, Josh Neelan and Dale Dillon. The Town Board has kept those violators on the agenda for
future action. The Jillson property cleanup is tied to his probation. Steve Engholm has done some more property cleanup.
Wade Tomberlin is being sent a letter informing him that there will be an inspection of his property at 5:00 pm on October
14, 2019. Brad said he did look at the holding pond during the walk-through of the Bigwoods property and it had been cleaned
out. The property owner on Wels Avenue that was selling cars has said he will no longer do that at his property.
Sourcewell put together a proposal to update the township Comprehensive Plan. A presentation was made to the Planning
Commission by Jake Huebsch and Justin Burslie about the process. They provided examples of comprehensive plans from the cities
of Staples, Crosslake, Fifty Lakes and Nisswa that Sourcewell has updated recently. They would review the current plan, conduct
a community survey, facilitate and conduct at least one public meeting, meet with township staff, and come up with a comprehensive
plan that the town board would approve. The proposed timeline is approximately 6 to 12 months to complete the process with
a cost of $50 per hour up to a maximum of $6,000. This would qualify for the Sourcewell Small Project Partnership which would
reimburse the costs to the township by up to a maximum of $2,500.
The Planning Commission passed a motion to recommend that the town board accept the Proposal to Perform Comprehensive
Plan Update Services from Sourcewell. Dave made a motion to accept the Sourcewell Proposal to Perform Comprehensive Plan
Update Services dated September 4, 2019. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
There were no public comments.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1117-1133 were reviewed and approved.
Road Report. Dave sold two mailbox supports. Craig Reikofski put in a driveway that was larger than normal and agreed
to pay for the extra culverts. Dave will go to Shakopee to pick up the culverts for 50th Avenue that the township is buying
through the Crow Wing County Highway Department to save the $730 freight charge. The township tractor needs to be repaired.
Dave changed the fuel filter but that didn't fix the problem. He has contacted a mechanic to come out to fix the tractor.
Dave met with Mark Melby from the Crow Wing County Highway Department to discuss the road construction for next year. It
was decided to stay with the 5-year plan and do 110th Street, Forest Heights Drive, Forest Heights Circle, Black Bear Circle
and Black Bear Trail. The other small roads in the area will be done later. They will reclaim 110th Street, add gravel and
widen the road. The other roads will be leveled and then overlayed with 1.5" of bituminous.
Under Communications, a notice from Crow Wing County was received stating that they are reducing the recycling grant to
Crow Wing Township for 2020 from $15,000 to $13,500. A notice from the county highway department asked if the township had
any comments about their 2020 construction projects. The 2019 Fall Maintenance Expo will be held in St. Cloud on October 2-3,
Under Administrative Business the fall meeting of the Crow Wing County Association of Township Officers will be on October
28, 2019 at 7:00 PM at the Law Enforcement Center in Brainerd. Electronic waste recycling at the landfill will be on September
18th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Doug will bring the items we have in the shed.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of August 13, 2019 with corrections, seconded by Dave. Motion passed
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.