Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Treasurer Sue Kern, Clerk Duane Ruona. Supervisor
Doug Kern arrived at 6:07 PM.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Dave made a motion to approve the agenda. Greg seconded, motion passed 2-0.
There were no gopher bounties.
Under New Business Jordan Larson from the Crow Wing County Highway Department was present to discuss road construction
projects. There was discussion about the township adding on to the CR 123 and CR 153 road improvement projects that the county
has scheduled for 2020. Jordan stated that roads can be improved by full depth reclamation where class 5 is added on top
of the existing pavement which is then ground up, leveled and paved; fill and overlay where a sand and bituminous mix is placed
on the existing pavement, leveled and then paved; and level and overlay where the existing pavement has a leveling course
of asphalt applied before the wear course is applied. Reclaiming will add $15-$20 thousand per mile to the cost of an overlay.
The county chip seals newly paved roads after 4 years and then every 7 years after that.
Jordan thought that 110th Street should have a level and overlay done because of the thin base material currently on the
road. He thought Forest Heights Drive should have full-depth reclamation because of heavier use and Black Bear Circle and
Black Bear Trail should be level and overlay because of less traffic.
Mark Melby has done the scoping for the CR 123 and CR 153 project. The township plans to add 110th Street, Forest Heights
Drive, Forest Heights Circle, Black Bear Trail and Black Bear Circle to the county project. Dave will meet with Mark to discuss
the possibility of also adding Stonewood Court, Sand Creek Circle, Boulder Court, and the north leg of South Oaks Road to
the project. The county will want to know by early October which roads the township wants done.
Gerry had two quotes for laminated signs to place on the recycling dumpsters. Range Printing's quote was $17.00 for eight
13 X 19 signs. Lakes Printing quoted $15.00 for eight 13 X 18 signs. Greg made a motion to purchase eight laminated 13 X
18 signs for $15.00 from Lakes Printing. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Under unfinished business the Vehicles in Right-of Way policy was discussed. The clerk was instructed to use the suggested
policy from the Minnesota Association of Townships and come up with a policy to be reviewed by the supervisors. The final
draft will be brought to the annual meeting next March for approval.
There were no public comments.
Doug reported on the Planning Commission meeting on Monday, August 12, 2019. There has been no change to the Jillson
property and the county attorney has asked the probation office to look into getting the property cleanup condition of Mr.
Jillson's probation completed. Steve Engholm has done some more property cleanup. The Planning Commission did an inspection
of the Bigwoods property. The conditions of his CUP have been met. Dave asked if the holding pond had been cleaned out.
The holding pond was inspected during the walk-through. Sourcewell will put together an estimate for the comprehensive plan
update. Shawn Fletcher has planted 12 more trees on the berm next to the residential property.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
Treasurer's report and claim numbers 1095-1116 were reviewed and approved.
Road Report. 9071 Black Bear Trail still has a basketball hoop in the right-of-way. 10199 Depot Street has a vehicle
in the right-of-way. Dave sold a mailbox support to Effie Elg of 5288 Gorron Road. Dave will begin mowing the township road
ditches next week. Putting extensions on the culverts on 50th Street was discussed. Dale's Excavating will install the extensions
which can be ordered through the County Highway Department for $1,650.00. Greg made a motion to purchase the culvert extensions
from the Crow Wing County Highway Department and have Dale's Excavating install them on 50th Street. Doug seconded, motion
passed 3-0. The shoulder repair on Cook Road has been completed. The hoop shed that the township truck is stored under ripped
because of the heavy snow this winter. After discussion it was decided to not replace the hoop shed. It was suggested that
it be taken apart and we can try to sell the tubing.
Under Communications, notices about the Brainerd Hydroelectric Project, First Lease LLC, Black Ridge Bank, and the Crow
Wing County Historical Society newsletter were reviewed. The 2020 Certified Town Aid for the township will be $501.
Under Administrative Business the MAT District 8 meeting on August 14, 2019 was discussed. Greg made a motion to allow
Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern, and Clerk Duane Ruona to attend the MAT District 8 meeting at the Brainerd Curling
Club on Wednesday, August 14, 2019 with costs reimbursed by the township. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes of July 9, 2019 as written, seconded by Dave. Motion passed 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:56 pm.