Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting
July 8, 2019 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Dan Lee (Vice-chair), Linda Schuety, Paul Stephany, Justin Burslie (Planning & Zoning
Administrator), Doug Kern (Township Supervisor) and Duane Ruona (Township clerk).
In the absence of Chair Brad Arnold, Vice-chair Dan Lee called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag
was recited.
Doug made a motion to continue the meeting at 10535 Business Highway 371 (Fletcher Trucking Property). Seconded by Linda,
motion passed. The Planning Commission members proceeded to the property.
The Planning Commission members returned to the town hall and continued the meeting at 6:48 pm. The tour of the Fletcher
property was discussed. Dan suggested more trees be planted on the corner of the property next to the residential property.
Paul Dewolfe of 10929 Brent Drive was present to comment on the township allowing the current use of a commercially zoned
property in a residential area. It was explained that an interim use permit was issued for the wood chip dryer on the property
but the current zoning wasn't changed. Doug said the noise is better now than it was in the past. Linda felt things were
good but he could add more trees and maintain them. Paul asked if there would be vegetation on the whole berm. The original
requirement was that the berm and trees be placed in the open areas only. Mr. Fletcher built the berm along the whole property
line. The exhaust on the dryer currently points toward Business 371 to lessen the noise toward the residences. Doug made
a motion to have Mr. Fletcher plant 10 trees on the northeast corner of the berm within 30 days. Paul seconded, motion passed.
The interim use permit will be reviewed annually.
There were no public hearings.
There were no additions to the agenda.
Open Forum-nothing.
Linda made a motion to accept the minutes of the May 13, 2019 meeting as written. Seconded by Doug. Motion passed.
Under new business the violation of CUP 09-3407, 11425 Greenwood Street, Bigwood Enterprises, was discussed. Justin mentioned
that town board members have been concerned that the violations seem to keep happening every year and a solution needs to
be found. Dave Lepage from Bigwwod Enterprises was present to discuss the violations. He mentioned that a new more efficient
boiler was installed on the property which has reduced the amount of smoke that came from the old boiler. He is having Shawn
Fletcher grind up wood into chips to be used as fuel for the boiler. Dan mentioned that the problems mentioned in the violation
letter contributed to the fire on the property. Mr. Lepage stated that the fire started from ashes that were cleaned out
of the boiler. The fire department report stated that sawdust was being burned and sparks from the stove caused the fire.
Mr. Lepage said it was wood chips that started on fire. Asphalt and class 5 has been placed around the boiler to prevent
another fire. Sawdust on the ground has happened because the hose sometimes comes off the sawdust blower. Paul suggested
that a maintenance schedule be set up to keep the hose connected.
The following items listed in the violation letter were addressed:
1. The fence on the south side of the property was damaged in the recent fire. Mr. Lepage stated that the fence has been
2. Storage shall be 30 feet from the property line where there is no fence. Vegetation shall be maintained where there
is no fence.
6. Landscaping and drainage shall be maintained. Any plantings that may die or be destroyed must be replaced. The
stormwater retention area has not been properly maintained. Various plantings have died and need to be replaced.
10. Outside storage shall not be piled any higher than 13 feet and shall be stacked in a neat and orderly fashion. Multiple
piles appear to exceed the 13 foot height limitation.
11. The setback from the property line along Business 371 shall be 15 feet. Materials appear to encroach the 15 foot
After discussion, Doug made a motion to have the Planning Commission visit the Bigwoods property during the regular meeting
on August 12, 2019. Paul seconded, motion passed.
Correspondence between the Town Board and Planning Commission was discussed. It was suggested that the clerk copy the
Planning Commission on correspondence from the Town Board so everyone remains informed about issues.
Under old business there has been no change at the Chad Jillson property. Chad did talk to Brad Arnold last month and
said he was working on cleaning up the property. Steve Engholm has purchased the Isla Engholm property and has begun cleaning
up the property. Wade Tomberlin attended a town board meeting and has installed his address sign and is making progress on
his cleanup.
Justin said there have been eight new permits issued this year. One land split, a new solar panel system, one accessory
structure, one addition to an existing accessory structure, three single family dwellings and one rezone.
Linda made a motion to adjourn, Paul seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:48 PM.