Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Treasurer Sue Kern and Clerk Duane Ruona. Supervisor
Doug Kern arrived at 6:28 PM.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Greg made a motion to the approve agenda. Dave seconded, motion passed 2-0.
There were no gopher bounties.
Under New Business a utility permit was received from Crow Wing Power for an overhead power line on 100th Street. That
is Crow Wing County Road 153 so the township doesn't need to approve the permit.
Under public comments it was noted that there are mattresses outside the new storage units at Wild Rice Depot. That is
private property so the township has no jurisdiction. The person at 6710 Wels Avenue appears to be selling cars from the
property. The Planning Commission will be notified to check on it. It was mentioned that there is a water heater in the
shed with the electronics recycling. The clerk will notify the recycling workers to not take any appliances. They can be
dropped off at Crow Wing Recycling. The signs on the recycling dumpsters should be updated. Gerry will see if he can get
that done.
Treasurer's report and claims were reviewed and approved.
After Doug arrived the Vehicles in Right-of Way policy was discussed. The suggested policy from the Minnesota Association
of Townships stated that it should be approved by the residents at the annual meeting. After discussion it was decided to
bring a suggested Ordinance Regulating Town Road Rights-of-Way to the Annual Meeting next March.
Doug reported on the Planning Commission meeting on Monday, July 8, 2019. The Planning Commission did an inspection of
the Fletcher property. Shawn Fletcher has done work on the berm on the east side of his property and agreed to plant more
trees on the northeast corner next to the residential properties. The Planning Commission plans to visit the Bigwoods property
on Greenwood Street at their August meeting because of complaints that they are not following their conditional use permit.
Greg asked Doug to have the Planning Commission look into the property at the corner of Barrows Avenue and Canary Street.
It appears someone is living in a motorhome there.
Road Report. Dave looked at the Chad Jillson property and it looks like nothing is being cleaned up and the access road
is partially blocked with stuff so the tower property will not be accessible in the winter. The clerk was instructed to contact
the county attorney about the property cleanup that was part of the terms of probation. The Neelan property has items in
the right-of-way. The property at 7221 Barrows Avenue has a trailer and other items in the right-of-way. The clerk was instructed
to send a letter to the owner. Dave received a bill from Dales Excavating for placing 920 cubic yards of gravel at $11 per
yard on 50th Street.
There was discussion about the vehicle in the right-of-way at 9068 110th Street that the township had towed away by Collins
Brothers. Greg felt that there was nothing in statute specifically addressing the issue of towing vehicles. Greg made a
motion to reimburse Jake Anderson the cost to get back his vehicle from Collins Brothers. Doug seconded. After further discussion,
motion passed 2-1. Dave felt that the township had the authority to tow vehicles in the right-of-way. Greg will contact
the owner about the amount paid to get back the vehicle.
Under Communications the notice from Brainerd Savings and Loan about the closure of their Baxter office was reviewed.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
Under Administrative Business the notice about Board of Appeal and Equalization online training was reviewed. The second
quarter fire calls report from the Brainerd Fire Department was reviewed.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the June 25, 2019 minutes, seconded by Greg. Motion passed 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:38 pm.