Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, and Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
A request by George Burton was added to the agenda under New Business.
There were 11 pairs of gopher feet turned in by Nancy Davidson.
New Business: George Burton was present to request that Lone Oak Road be closed for a fireworks display on August 24,
2019. Greg made a motion to close Lone Oak Road on August 24, 2019 from 9:30 PM to 10:00 PM. Doug seconded, motion passed
Vehicles in the road right-of-way was discussed. The Minnesota Association of Townships attorney recommended that the
township adopt an ordinance for any items in the right-of-way that are not addressed in state statute. Statutes about right-of-way
use, towing authorized, and local road authority was reviewed. The Board also reviewed a document from MAT about adopting
an ordinance regulating town road rights-of-way. The Manual on Town Government also talked about road ROW and suggested a
township discuss enforcing a road administrative ordinance with the township's attorney. The question of township liability
for vehicles parked in the ROW was discussed. Greg asked that the suggested ordinance be reviewed and suggestions be brought
to the next meeting.
Unfinished Business. Greg saw Steve Engholm and was told he is working on cleaning up his property. There was nothing
new on the other violations.
There were no Public Comments.
There was no Planning Commission Report.
Road Issues. Dave has finished mowing the road right-of-way on all town roads. The paving on Sweet Road and 50th Avenue
has been completed. Class 5 has been put on the gravel portion of 50th Avenue. The township tractor has been running rough
when it runs above 1900 rpm. Fuel additive has been helping but there may be a fuel injection issue that will need to be
Under Communications the invitation to the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast was reviewed.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
Under Administrative Business the necessity of having a second monthly town board meeting was discussed. Dave stated
that the second meeting of each month is usually not very long and usually there is not any business that could not wait two
weeks for the next meeting. The Town Board used to meet once a month and when the township took over planning and zoning
from Crow Wing County the amount of time required to manage the change made two meetings a good idea. If a special meeting
would be required, it would need to be posted at the town hall and township website. Greg made a motion to have one Town
Board meeting the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM at the town hall beginning July 9, 2019. Dave seconded, motion
passed 3-0.
Under announcements, Sourcewell will give the township a grant for half the cost of the township newsletter.
The damaged mailbox at 9388 Forest Heights Drive was discussed. Dave talked to Brad Gorron about it and Brad said the
snow knocked it down because the mailbox post was rotten. Residents on Forest Heights will get new mailbox supports when
the road is paved next year. After discussion, Doug said he would install the support and because residents will get new
supports, there will be no charge to the resident.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the June 11, 2019 minutes, seconded by Dave. Motion passed 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10 pm.