Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting
April 8, 2019 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Dan Lee, Linda Schuety, Paul Stephany, Justin Burslie (Planning &
Zoning Administrator), Doug Kern (Township Supervisor) and Duane Ruona (Township clerk).
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
The first item of business was to elect a Chair Person and Vice-chair Person for 2019. Doug nominated Brad for Chair
and Linda seconded the motion. There were no other nominations and the motion passed. Doug nominated Dan Lee for Vice-chair
Person and Linda seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations and the motion passed.
There were no public hearings.
Additions to the agenda included the township newsletter and the comprehensive plan.
Open Forum-Nothing.
Doug made a motion to accept the minutes of the February 11, 2019 meeting as corrected. Seconded by Paul. Motion passed.
New business. Josh Neelan was in attendance and asked about placing an information sign for the BMX track on an existing
stop sign or street sign. Brad mentioned that an information sign cannot be on a stop sign, must be on a breakaway post,
and off the right-of-way. Josh was directed to attend the next town board meeting and make the request. Josh asked if he
needed a permit to move a small shed from the BMX track to his property. It is less than 160 square feet so no permit is
required. Josh also asked about widening his driveway and was directed to ask the road supervisor. Josh stated he will start
cleaning up the right-of-way this weekend.
Under the Fletcher update, Greg and Justin visited the Sand-Shequin property just North of Fletchers at about 8 pm one
evening to monitor noise. Justin said he did not think the noise at that time met the MPCA threshold to be in violation.
The property owners were told that the township would continue to monitor the situation and a noise monitor could be placed
at the property line. The Planning Commission still plans to meet onsite at Fletchers to review the conditions of his conditional
use permit. Justin will check and see when the inspection will be made per the CUP.
The Josh Neelan Land Use Permit from 8/10/2015 was reviewed. Brad stated that it was a positive sign that Josh said he
was going to start cleaning up the property. Brad said that Chad Jillson followed him to the town hall tonight and said he
is making progress on cleaning up his property and will get the mobile home removed. Nothing new has been heard about the
Engholm property. Steve Engholm said he wanted to purchase the property from the county and has until June to do so.
Brad said the he went by the Tomberlin property and there is no address sign and we have not received a certificate of
compliance for his outhouse or vehicle titles. A letter was sent to Mr. Tomberlin on January 19, 2019 with six items that
needed to be addressed. A reminder should be sent to Mr. Tomberlin asking for the listed items within 60 days.
Justin said there have been no new permits issued yet this year. There have been inquiries so he thinks we will see something
soon. Justin is attending a national conference out of state and will not be at the town hall on Wednesday of next week.
Brad asked if Justin knew of any training that will be available for Planning Commission members. Justin stated that there
will be a session in Albertville at a cost of $100 per person. Justin will forward information about the training to the
Planning Commission members.
The Comprehensive Plan needs to be updated. One option would be for the Planning Commission to review the current plan
and make revisions. Justin reported that Sourcewell has 2 planners on staff that can help with the update. A comprehensive
update would cost around $3,000-$5,000 and a complete rewrite would cost about $10,000. Brad asked Justin to bring the current
Comprehensive Plan to the next meeting so the members could review it line by line.
The township newsletter was discussed. It was determined that the newsletter should show that the township does all its
own planning and zoning, website information, Planning Commission meeting dates, when Justin is available at the town hall,
comprehensive plan information, and number of permits issued last year.
Dan made a motion to adjourn, Linda seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM.