Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern (at 6:21 PM), and Clerk Duane
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
The agenda was not approved. There will be discussion about the order of business under administrative business.
There were 73 pairs of gopher feet turned in by Ryan Goble.
New Business: An entrance permit from Ben Johnson at 9154 Forest Heights Drive was discussed. It will be a second entrance
to his property. After discussion, Greg made a motion to approve the second entrance at 9154 Forest Heights Drive. Dave
seconded, motion passed 2-0.
Under Public Comments Glenn Wetherbee and Bob Nacy were present to discuss the deteriorating condition of Gorron Road.
There is a bad bump at the culvert about half way through the road. Dave has "BUMP" signs to place at the site.
Glenn suggested that asphalt be put on both sides of the bump to lessen the jolt. Dave thought that the area should be cut
out and asphalt placed over the culvert. Bob Nacy said that the road is crumbling and waiting for five years to fix it is
not a good idea. Dave said the bad spots could be fixed with 8" of gravel over fabric and then pave over that. Dave
will fix the bump over the culvert.
Glenn Wetherbee had a question about changing ownership of a cemetery lot. Doug told Glenn to call him and they will
take care of it.
Under unfinished business the car in the right-of-way on 110th Street will be towed by Collins Brothers Towing. The storage
container at the corner of Wels Avenue and Depot Street that is on the right-of-way and blocking the sight line of the intersection
was discussed. The clerk was directed to send a letter to Lonette Martin at 6876 Wels Avenue directing that the storage container
be moved off the right-of-way and not block the sight line of the intersection.
Planning Commission-nothing to report.
Under Road Issues the graveling of 50th Avenue was discussed. Dave said that Dales Excavating told him it would take
about 1,300 cubic yards of class 5 gravel to get 4" compacted on the road. Greg made a motion to accept the quote from
Dales Excavating to place, grade and pack class 5 on 50th Avenue to 4" compacted. Doug seconded. Motion passed 3-0.
Dave suggested that when 110th Street and Forest Heights Drive are overlayed next year as part of the Crow Wing County
project that the short cul-de-sacs along CR 123 and CR 153 be overlayed at the same time. Greg will check with the County
Highway Department about attending a town board meeting to discuss the construction projects.
Dave talked to Randy Derosier about shouldering Cook Road. They have a belt shouldering machine that attaches to a dump
truck. Dave will get a price for the shouldering of Cook Road. Dave will also ask them about extending the culverts on 50th
Dave got prices from Crafco on crackfilling machines. A small unit would cost about $50,000, adding an air compressor
makes the price $80,000. A conveyor to get material from the truck to the machine is an additional $10,000. A 2 year old
machine would cost about $45,000. To fill cracks with the machine could take up to four people; a driver, one blowing out
cracks, one filling cracks, and one sealing the cracks. Using a temp agency to get workers might be one option.
Greg received a request for a mailbox support and asked if they could be given out by Justin Burslie when he is at the
town hall each Wednesday from 1PM to 3 PM. Two supports will be put in the office and Justin will be notified about the possibility
of people coming in to pick them up.
Under communications, the membership cards from the Minnesota Association of Townships were reviewed and distributed.
Payroll was reviewed and approved. Doug asked about the pay for the Planning Commission inspection that took place on
the same day as the Planning Commission meeting. The issue will need to be researched as to past practice.
Greg suggested that the Public Comments agenda item be changed back to be included after Unfinished Business. Greg has
talked to other township officials about how they handle public comments and most have them toward the beginning of the meeting.
After discussion it was determined that the Public Comments would be moved back to where it was on the agenda and a limit
of 3 minutes per topic will be added.
A question about what type of fence is included in the township land use ordinance came up. Greg said the Planning Commission
will review any questionable fencing in the township. The shoulders on Town Hall Street are washing out in places. Dave
will take a look at it.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the May 14, 2019 minutes with correction, seconded by Greg. Motion passed 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.