Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, and Clerk Duane Ruona
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
Jennifer Hanson, Barb and Terry Fischer, and Joe Klein were present to complain about the snow plowing this winter. The
plow driver was not plowing close to mailboxes and not clearing the cul-de-sac. The mail carrier won't deliver mail if the
snow is not plowed away from the mailbox. The school bus and garbage truck have had to turn around in a driveway because
the cul-de-sac isn't plowed out. Gerry Schuety plowed out the cul-de-sac and closer to mailboxes after previous snowfalls.
The township only received one bid for the last maintenance contract though requests for bid were sent to several other contractors.
Brad Gorron will be invited to a town board meeting to discuss the complaints. They also asked when the potholes will be
patched. There will be more traffic when the BMX track opens up and the roads will get even worse. Dave said he needs to
wait for warmer weather to keep patch material soft enough to stay useable in the truck. Dave will check with Anderson Brothers
to see if they would be able to do patching in the township.
Kelly Grundmer of 10013 Depot Street was present to ask for the township's help with the house she and her husband are
renting. There has been sewage in the crawlspace from a broken pipe. There are electrical issues and they are afraid to
drink the water because of possible contamination. The only regulations on rental property in Crow Wing County are within
the city limits, there is nothing for out in the county. She has talked to Legal Aid and did get a court order to get rent
credited through June, but she is still afraid to live in the house. Doug will give Kelly a list of agencies that may be
able to help her. The clerk was instructed to contact the township attorney to see what can be done to resolve the issues.
Township officer pay for attending the township annual meeting was discussed. The MAT attorney response was reviewed.
Maple Grove, Nokay Lake, and Lake Edward townships all pay supervisors to attend their annual meeting. Ideal Township does
not. After discussion, Greg made a motion to pay supervisors presenting information at the annual meeting. Doug seconded,
motion passed 2-1. Dave did not think anyone other than the township clerk should be paid to attend the annual meeting.
Greg drove by the Josh Neelan property and nothing has been removed from the right-of-way. Kelly will come to see Justin
Burslie on Wednesday to discuss a property violation at her rental property. A question about the house on blocks near the
Jensen property was brought up during public comments. It has been sitting there for two years and never put on a foundation.
Greg will contact Justin about the property.
Road report. The vehicle is still in the right-of-way 110th Street. Mailbox supports that the township will stock for
residents have been ordered. Dave is checking on tractor tires because the current ones are worn out. He is sweeping the
township roads and should be done this week. Dave attended the pre-construction meeting at the County Highway Department
for the project that includes Sweet Road and 50th Avenue. The project will start in May. One culvert may need to be replaced
on Sweet Road.
Under communications, a letter was received from Doug Morris asking to set up a meeting with the clerk to discuss the
2020 Recycling Funding. The clerk will ask about the surcharges for contamination in the recycling dumpsters.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The Crow Wing County Association of Township Officers meeting is on April 29th at the Daggett Brook Town Hall. Greg made
a motion to approve township officers attendance at the CWCATO meeting at 7 pm on April 29, 2019 at the Daggett Brook Town
Hall. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Motion was made by Doug to approve the April 9, 2019 minutes, seconded by Dave. Motion passed 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10 pm.