Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, and Clerk Duane Ruona
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
Cliff Sasker from North Central Speedway was in attendance to renew his 3.2 malt liquor license. There have been no changes
since last year. Doug made a motion to approve the 3.2 malt liquor license for North Central Speedway, Dave seconded. Motion
passed 3-0.
After discussion, Doug made a motion to appoint Greg chairman of the town board for this year, Dave seconded. Motion
passed 3-0.
Donations recommended during the annual meeting were discussed. Dave made a motion to not approve any donations. Motion
died for lack of a second. Doug made a motion to approve donations of $250 to Crisis Line and Referral; $1,000 to Crow Wing
County Fair Association; $250 to the Crow Wing County Historical Society; and $1,000 to the Lakes Area Pregnancy Support Center
as approved at the annual meeting. Greg seconded. Motion passed 2-1 with Dave voting against because MAT says it is a gray
area and he does not feel tax money should be used this way.
Under unfinished business property violations were discussed. Cliff Sasker stated that Martin Copa crosses North Central
Speedway to bring in cars. Cliff talked to Mr. Copa about it but nothing was resolved. Greg has talked to the MPCA about
this property and was told to get pictures of the violations. There have been no changes on any of the other current property
There were no public comments.
Brad, Greg and Justin will visit the Brandon Shequin/Jennifer Sand-Shequin property on Wednesday to discuss the noise
from the Shawn Fletcher property that is next door.
Under road issues it was stated that potholes are showing up on Barrows Avenue and at Wild Rice Road, cracks are showing
up on Wetherbee near 80th Street and the east end of Cook Road, and shoulders will need to be repaired on Cook Road and 50th
Avenue. Mailbox supports will be purchased to have on hand for residents. Greg will compare prices and bring it to the next
Under communications a notice was received from Crow Wing County Land Services about tax forfeited properties in the township
that will be put up for sale unless the township has an objection to the properties being listed as "Non-Conservation".
A notice about the Crow Wing County Historical Society dinner and fundraiser was reviewed.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
Reorganizational items were reviewed. Dave made a motion to appoint Doug vice-chairman. Greg seconded, motion passed
Greg made a motion to appoint Doug to the Planning Commission and Cemetery. Dave seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Greg made a motion to appoint Dave as Road Supervisor. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Dave made a motion to appoint Greg to the Fire Advisory Board. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Doug made a motion to keep the town depositories the same: Crow Wing Power and Brainerd Savings and Loan. Dave seconded,
motion passed 3-0.
Dave made a motion to continue with the two designated posting sites (town hall as the official site and on the Crow Wing
Township website) with required special notices in the Brainerd Dispatch. Doug seconded, motion passed 3-0.
Greg made a motion to approve the meeting schedule as printed and presented at the annual meeting. Doug seconded, motion
passed 3-0.
Dave made a motion to keep the following policies and fees the same:
Beaver Bounty-$40
Gopher Bounty-$1.50
Use of Personal Equipment-$15 per hour, with a minimum of $15
Use of Personal Skidsteer-$40 per hour, with a minimum of $40
AWAIR Meeting Rate-$25
Annual Meeting Moderator-$25
Cemetery Actuary-$25/per job
Hourly Employment-$20 per hour
Lawn Mowing, Handyman, Cleaning Person-$20 per hour
Recycling Workers-$75 per Saturday (9am-12pm)
Wages for township employees and committee members:
Supervisors-$65/month and $100 per meeting
Treasurer-$350/month and $100 per meeting
Clerk-$900/month and $100 per meeting
Planning Commission Chair/Members-$60/$50 per meeting
Inspection Fee for P&Z Violations at $50 for each Planning Commission member present
Election Judges-$15 per hour for head judge; $13 per hour for other judges (includes township employees).
Notary Stamp-free at meetings.
Title Searches-free unless by mail then $25 fee will be charged.
Entry Permits-$50.
Photocopies-first 10 free, $0.25 per page thereafter.
Town Hall and Park Rental & Deposit-$30 resident, $60 non-resident; deposit $250
Greg seconded, motion passed 3-0.
The annual AWAIR training will be at 5:30 PM on April 9, 2019 followed by the joint Planning Commission/Town Board meeting.
The annual road tour was set for 8:00 AM on Friday, April 12, 2019 beginning at the town hall.
The recycling dumpsters were discussed. People are putting plastic bags and contaminated food containers in the dumpsters
during the week when no recycling workers are present. Waste Management charges for contaminated items. All dumpsters are
not currently being filled. The situation will be monitored to see in the number of dumpsters can be reduced.
The township newsletter will be put together for the next meeting. Recycling items will be listed. Greg will ask Brad
and Justin to put together something for land use permits and violations. Greg will put something together about mailbox
supports, Doug asked that cemetery lot prices be included along with asking for volunteers to help clean up the cemetery at
10:00 AM on Saturday, May 18, 2019. The five year road plan and town hall rental information will also be included along
with the website and contact information. The clerk will check on getting addresses for township residents.
The township map from MNDOT that was received at the Spring Short Course was reviewed. A number of township roads are
not shown on the map. Greg will check with Crow Wing County to see if they have a more current map available that can be
used to update the MNDOT map.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the March 5, 2019 minutes, seconded by Greg. Motion passed 3-0.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.