February 11, 2019 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Dan Lee (Acting Chair), Linda Schuety, Paul Stephany, Justin Burslie (Planning & Zoning
Administrator) and Doug Kern (Township Supervisor).
Chair Lee called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no public hearings.
Additions or Deletions to Agenda. Commissioner Schuety suggested appointing a chair person and vice- chair person at the
next meeting.
Open Forum- Nothing.
Doug made a motion to accept the minutes of the January 14, 2019 meeting as written. Seconded by Linda. Motion passed.
New business. Craig Reikofski was present to request a modification to his CUP issued in May 2018. He proposed to relocate
the 9,150 sf shop from the north side of the subject property to a location south of the proposed dwelling. The proposed location
would be closer to the entrance to the property. Craig also proposed to increase the size of the building by 25' the full
length of the building. Chair Lee asked about the location of the wetland. Staff stated the proposed location is well beyond
the wetland setback. General consensus of the planning commission to allow the modification as long as all setbacks are met.
Crow Wing SWCD/Wetland Conservation Act. Burslie informed the planning commission the Crow Wing SWCD will no longer be
administering the Wetland Conservation Act for the township or cities in the county. State Statute requires counties administer
the WCA on behalf of townships if the SWCD or another entity does not administer it. The county will begin administering the
WCA in the Township effective March 31, 2019.
March Planning Commission Meeting. Burslie stated he will be traveling outside the state and will not be able to attend.
Chair Lee directed Burslie to check with Commissioner Arnold and the committee prior to the meeting to determine if a meeting
should be held.
Commissioner Schuety made a motion to adjourn, Commissioner Stephany seconded, meeting adjourned at 6:45 PM.