Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting
January 14, 2019 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Linda Schuety, Paul Stephany, Justin Burslie (Planning & Zoning
Administrator), Doug Kern (Township Supervisor) and Duane Ruona (Township clerk).
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no public hearings.
Open Forum- Nothing.
Doug made a motion to accept the minutes of the December 10, 2018 meeting as written. Seconded by Linda. Motion passed.
New business. The issue of Commercial property road improvements on township roads was discussed. The question of an
entrance for a commercial property affecting a town road was brought up by the road supervisor. It was suggested that a commercial
entrance question should be a check list item on the permit application. Justin will send a revised permit application to
the town board for review.
The current Crow Wing Township Fee Schedule was reviewed. The original fee schedule followed the Crow Wing County Fee
Schedule. Crow Wing County added a new construction residential permit fee of $250 per additional 1,000 square feet over
4,000 square feet. Sewage treatment systems fees for Crow Wing County are higher than the township fees. Discussion was
to increase residential systems from $150 to $200; commercial systems less than 1,000 gallons/day from $250 to $350; 1,001
to 3,999 gallons/day from $500 to $600; and adding 4,000 to 6,999 gallons/day at $680; and 7,000 to 9,999 gallons/day at $840.
Dirt moving in shoreland areas was increased from $100 to $150 and the current tiers included in the fee schedule were deleted.
The Metes and Bounds Subdivision Application fee was changed from $300 for less than 10 acres and $75 for greater than 10
acres to the county fee of $100 plus $25 per parcel regardless of acres. Doug made a motion to change the township fee schedule
to match the Crow Wing County fee schedule. There was no second. Motion by Linda to recommend the town board approve the
above changes, seconded by Doug. After discussion Linda made an amendment to add "after-the-fact land use permit application
fees are five times the original fee". Seconded by Paul. Motion with amendment passed.
Shawn Fletcher has started using his wood chip dryer. The Planning Commission will do an inspection in the spring to
make sure the provisions of his permit are being followed. Brad has not heard of any complaints from the neighbors.
The Crow Wing County Public Hearing on peat mining in St. Mathias Township was attended by Brad. The peat will be blended
with sand to produce topsoil for sale to the public. If any work is done in Crow Wing Township, the county will notify the
Justin will send out a year-end report for permits issued in 2018. It was recommended that the Town Board send out a
newsletter that will include permit and land use application information. A grant is available from Sourcewell to help pay
for it. (50%)
Under old business the Jillson property violation was discussed. Brad received confirmation that the county attorney
has placed the property cleanup as part of his probation requirements. The Engholm property violation was discussed. Steve
Engholm still plans to purchase the property and clean it up. The Wade Tomberlin violation was discussed. The clerk was
directed to send a letter to Wade asking for septic certification, the recycling dumpster has been removed, a blue address
sign is installed at the property, vehicle titles be presented for vehicles still on the property, and the sofa and debris
in the yard be removed. The Bigwoods Properties conditional use permit needs to be reviewed with the owners. The Neelan,
Niesen, Copa, and Dillon property violations have not changed. The question of whether the $10 monthly administrative fee
charged for violations is high enough was discussed. Justin will bring information to the next meeting about the history
of the Neelan violation.
Justin reported that there were a couple of permits issued in the last month. The Comprehensive Plan should be updated.
Justin reported that Sourcewell has 2 planners on staff that can help with the update. There is a fee involved depending
on how detailed the update is. Justin will bring some examples from other jurisdictions for review. The discussion should
be raised at the annual meeting.
Paul asked if there was any training available for planning commission members. Justin will send dates for training to
Paul. Sourcewell will cover the registration costs.
Linda made a motion to adjourn, Doug seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM.