Annual Meeting March 12, 2019
Crow Wing Township held its annual town meeting on Tuesday, March 12, 2019 at 8:30 PM at the Crow Wing Town Hall. Present
were township clerk Duane Ruona and those on the attached roster.
Duane called the meeting to order and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Duane gave opening comments sharing the purpose of the annual township meeting "the people's meeting", and how
it is run by the residents, not the town board. He also explained the need to elect a moderator and outlined the role of
the moderator.
Ginny Rogers nominated Carol Wermter as moderator. Doug Kern seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations.
Carol was voted in as moderator.
The first item was to agree to an end time to the meeting, reconvening if necessary to complete business. Doug Kern made
a motion to end at 10:00 PM or earlier. Linda Schuety seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Copies of the agenda were available to all that wanted one. Carol asked if there were any additions or changes to the
printed agenda. There were none.
The minutes of the March 13, 2018 Annual meeting were read by Duane. Doug Kern made a motion to accept the minutes as
read, Brad Arnold seconded, motion passed.
Duane read the election results:
Office of Supervisor: Greg Smith 23 votes
Office of Treasurer: Sue Kern 22 votes
There was one write-in for Treasurer.
Duane read the board of audit report, copies were given to those who requested one. A copy of the 2018 list of receipts
and disbursements was given to those requesting it.
Greg Smith gave the road report. He presented the five year road plan. The parameters that were looked at for each road
were the length of the road, the age of the road, the traffic count, current condition of the road and the number of residents
on the road. Sweet Road and 50th Street will be done in 2019 as part of a Crow Wing County project. The county will take
care of all inspections during and after construction. The township will work with the county in 2020 to do 110th Street,
Forest Heights Drive, Forest Heights Circle, Black Bear Trail and Black Bear Circle. The township will try to spend about
$250,000 each year in road improvements. In 2021 Brandon Way, Crow Wing Heights Drive, Arielle Drive and Home Place Drive
are planned for Improvements. Nothing will be done in 2022 and in 2023 the roads in Barrows will be done. The five year
plan is subject to change and will be reviewed annually with adjustments made as needed. Conforming mailbox supports will
be included in each improvement project. The township will have mailbox supports available for sale to residents that want
to replace their supports. Regular maintenance items will continue to happen. February snow plowing costs were the highest
in memory.
Brad gave the planning commission report. 36 permits were issued in 2018 which is above the average of the past 10 years.
The comprehensive plan for the township will be updated by the planning commission. The TH 371 corridor zoning will be discussed.
Violations are still being pursued and the township is working with attorney Dan Hawley to resolve those issues. The Fletcher
Trucking operation was asked about. The Planning Commission will be doing an onsite inspection this spring to be sure Shawn
Fletcher is following the conditions of his permit. The Planning Commission meets the second Monday of each month at 6:00
PM at the town hall and Justin Burslie is available at the town hall each Wednesday from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM for anyone to
come in and discuss P&Z issues. He is also available by phone, email or appointment.
Greg Smith gave the recycling report. We have 7 dumpsters and 1 specifically for cardboard. There are a few times a year
when the dumpsters are full. The recycling pickup costs are about $1,200 per month and the township receives $15,000 per
year from the county. We have been charged over $200 extra several times because of contamination in the dumpsters. Grocery
bags and dirty food containers are not allowed in the recycling dumpsters. Greg asked everyone to spread the word about what
is and is not allowed to be recycled. The township pays $75 to each of two people who work from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM on the
first and third Saturday of each month.
Doug Kern gave the cemetery report. He is working on putting together a complete list of the cemetery plot ownership
from the several lists he has currently. The cemetery lot prices were reviewed and updated by the town board last year.
The current lot prices are: $300 for inside lots for township residents; $500 for roadside lots for township residents; and
$1,200 for any lots sold to non-residents. These prices are still very reasonable compared to other cemeteries in the area.
Doug would like to do a spring cleanup and will be contacting lot owners in the future looking for volunteers.
Greg talked about sending out a township newsletter in the near future. Topics that may be included are conforming mailbox
supports, acceptable recycling items, planning and zoning issues, township website, cemetery information and township contact
information. Brad added that Sourcewell has a program available that would cover one-half the cost of putting out a newsletter.
Doug added that the Sourcewell program runs from July to July so one could be sent out now and another could be sent out later
in the year.
Greg Smith read the proposed 2020 levy amounts to be approved. General Fund $61,000; Fire Fund $60,000; and Road &
Bridge Fund $300,000 for a total of $421,000. Greg stated that the cost to Brainerd for fire service will be going up in
2020 so the town board recommended raising the Fire Fund by $3,000. Greg Smith is the township representative on the Fire
Committee. Linda Schuety made a motion to approve the requested amount of $421,000, George Burton seconded the motion. Motion
Greg made a motion to keep notice posting sites the same (town hall, website & special meetings in the Brainerd Dispatch),
Ginny Rogers seconded. Motion passed.
Linda made a motion that gopher bounties remain at $1.50. Randy Powers seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Brad made a motion that beaver bounties remain at $30.00. Linda seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Donation requests for 2019 were presented. Carol read the letters that have been received asking for donations. Crisis
Line and Referral Service deals with suicide prevention, including training for township residents, fire and first responders
or other businesses. Doug made a motion to give a $250 donation to Crisis Line. Linda seconded. Motion passed.
The Crow Wing County Fair Association is currently dealing with the buildings at the fairgrounds which are requiring attention
& maintenance. Brad made a motion to approve $1000 for the Crow Wing County Fair Association. Darlene seconded. After
discussion, motion passed.
The Crow Wing County Historical Society requested a donation of $250. Brad made a motion to approve a $250 donation to
the Crow Wing County Historical Society, George seconded. Motion passed.
Lakes Area Pregnancy Center had a donation request. Ginny Rogers spoke about what the center does for people in the area.
Linda made a motion to approve a $1000 donation to the Lakes Area Pregnancy Center, Doug seconded. Motion passed.
Carol read a letter from the Mille Lacs Area Health Foundation asking for a donation for the construction and expansion
at their Onamia campus. Kathleen Lordbock made a motion to donate $0 to the Mille lacs Area Health Foundation, Doug seconded.
Motion passed.
Duane stated that next year's township election will be on March 10, 2020, hours to be from 2 PM-8 PM, followed by the
canvass meeting at 8:15 PM and the annual meeting at 8:30 PM. The question was asked about who will be up for election. Dave
Schultz's supervisor position and the clerk will be on the ballot. The road supervisor's duties and $20 per hour salary were
discussed. Linda made a motion to have the township election on March 10, 2020, hours to be from 2 PM-8 PM, followed by the
canvass meeting at 8:15 PM and the annual meeting at 8:30 PM. George seconded the motion. Motion passed.
Greg mentioned that Randy Powers retired as a township maintenance worker and Gerry Schuety was appointed to take his
The Town Board meeting dates for 2019-2020 were reviewed. There was no other business.
Linda made a motion to adjourn, Doug seconded. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM.