Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern and Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
Under new business the use of the township truck was discussed. While Dave is out of state, Gerry Schuety or one of the
supervisors should be able to use the truck to help with some snow plowing and take care of downed trees. Doug made a motion
for Gerry Schuety or the township officers be able to use the township truck as needed. Greg seconded, motion passed.
Snow plowing of township roads was discussed. A question was asked why the snow plow makes one pass down Town Hall Street
and then comes back much later to wing back the snow. It may be that he wants to get on all the roads one time before winging
back the snow banks. Sanding of roads was discussed. There had been only a narrow band of salt sand on roads, but just recently
it seems that the spreader is working better. Brad Gorron will be contacted about these issues. Some residents and businesses
have been pushing snow across the township road when they plow out their driveways. The clerk was instructed to send letters
to several residents.
Brad attended a public hearing about peat extraction in St. Mathias Township by Craig Holtz and James Puetz. They will
receive the necessary permits and will blend the peat with sand to make it usable as topsoil. Crow Wing County supports the
operation. If any work is done in Crow Wing Township, the county will notify the township.
Greg stated that Collins Brothers Towing had not towed the vehicle in the right-of-way at the Josh Neelan property. They
were contacted again and will tow the vehicle. There is nothing new on the Jillson, Engholm, Tomberlin or Copa properties.
The Construction Cost Share Agreement with Crow Wing County for Sweet Road and 50th Avenue was discussed. Greg made a
motion to sign the agreement. Doug seconded, motion passed. The previously approved Election Services Contract with Crow
Wing County was reviewed and signed.
Under Public Comments the Waste Management extra charges because of dirty recycling materials was discussed. Notices
of what is acceptable are posted on each recycling dumpster. It appears that the unacceptable materials are being dropped
off on days that there are no township workers at the recycling dumpsters. There was discussion about locking all or some
of the dumpsters.
The Treasurer's report and claims were reviewed and approved. The treasurer notified the board that there has been an
error on the payroll deduction for PERA since January 2015. The amount deducted has been 6.5% instead of the 5% it should
have been. Affected employees will be notified.
Under the Road Report Doug stated that some trees had to be removed that were leaning across the road.
Under communications the MAT attorney response to the right-of-way violations and burned out buildings was discussed.
He stated that the land use ordinance would need to address the issues.
The 2018 Brainerd Fire Department incidents report was reviewed.
Election Filing for the township election on March 12, 2019 runs until January 15, 2019.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the December 11, 2018 minutes, seconded by Greg. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.