Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern and Clerk
Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
There was no new business.
Brad reported on the planning commission meeting from Monday, December 10, 2018. On the Chad Jillson property, we are
waiting for the legal process to work out. Cleanup of the property is part of the agreement with the courts. Steve Engholm
is working on purchasing the property from Crow Wing County. A letter will be sent to Wade Tomberlin to remind him of the
required septic certification. There is nothing new on the Neelan or Copa properties.
Commercial zoning and road conditions were discussed at the Planning Commission. Justin is reviewing and will bring something
back to the Planning Commission. TH 371 development south of the interchange with Business 371 to the welcome center was
discussed. The plan was to keep it rural but there have been questions about commercial development along that section of
TH 371. There is no infrastructure and MNDOT has to approve access onto TH 371. Frontage roads or backage roads may be needed
as part of any development. Justin is going to review the issue for the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission will
review and update the comprehensive plan. Sourcewell has available a small project partnership grant available on a 50/50
cost share which could be used for a mailer to the residents.
After-the-fact fees were also discussed. The question of how our fees compare to the county was brought up. Justin will
look into the issue. The question of if the current monthly administrative fee for violations of $10.00 is big enough. Justin
did a tour of the Fletcher project in the past month and it appears that some items still need to be completed per the permit
that was issued. The Planning Commission will tour the facility next spring. Crow Wing County will hold a public hearing
about the peat extraction that is being considered in an area just south of the township line in St. Mathias Township. Justin
will compile a report of all permits issued for the entire year.
Greg talked to the Sheriff's Office about the process of forcing people to move their property off the right-of-way.
There is a civil process available through the Sheriff Department where the landowner is served notice to remove the property
and that they are liable for any accidents that may arise. Greg will talk to the Sheriff Department to get more information.
The clerk was directed to contact the MAT attorney to see if there is anything the township can legally do to clean up the
right-of-way and if the township is liable for items in the right-of-way after notice has been sent to the property owner.
Steve Engholm was present to discuss the Isla Engholm property. The current amount due on the property is approximately
$18,000. He is working with a bank to be able to purchase the property. The prospective buyer for the Brainerd property
will wait for Steve to get things in order. Crow Wing County will hold the property until June for Steve to repurchase.
Public Comments. Terry Fischer asked if the township can clean up burned out buildings. There are several in the area
that have had nothing done to clean them up for several years. The clerk was directed to ask the MAT attorney if the township
can clean up those burned out buildings. The clerk will send letters to the property owners of burned out buildings. He
also asked about campaign signs that are still up. Terry also asked if the current 5 year road plan is flexible. It will
be reviewed annually by the town board. Gerry Schuety will install the infant swing that was ordered to replace the broken
The Treasurer's report and claims were reviewed and approved.
Road Report. The road maintenance contractor told Dave he can get salt sand cheaper from someone other than Crow Wing
County. The temporary approach on the north side of the race track has been removed and the right-of-way returned to original
condition. The arrow sign at the end of Sweet Road is gone. There is a driveway straight ahead so Dave will take care of
it in the spring. A car is parked in the right-of-way at 9068 110th Street. The developer at 9700 Black Bear Circle did
not use all the culverts for the driveway that the township paid for. The clerk was directed to send a letter to the developer
asking for the culvert or reimbursement to the township. A revised estimate was received from Mark Melby of the Crow Wing
County Highway Department about the Sweet Road & 50th Avenue project as part of Crow Wing County Project #18-300-05.
A cost share agreement will be sent to the township when the total cost is finalized.
Under communications, a notice was received from the State of Minnesota stating that the state taxes payable quarterly
could be paid annually. The treasurer was directed to pay the taxes as she sees fit.
The State of Minnesota requires that every township designate its local polling place annually. Dave made a motion to
designate the Crow Wing Town Hall at 6930 Cuyuna Avenue, Brainerd MN as the Crow Wing Township polling place. Seconded by
Doug, motion passed.
Greg made a motion to contract with Crow Wing County for the March 12, 2019 election services for $300. Dave seconded,
motion passed.
Dave made a motion to leave the levy the same as 2019 for a total of $418,000. Greg seconded, motion passed. The following
amounts will be presented for the 2020 levy to the residents at the annual meeting:
General Fund $61,000
Road & Bridge $300,000
Fire Fund $57,000
The updated 2020 Budget spreadsheet was reviewed. Dave made a motion to approve the 2020 Budget as presented. Doug seconded,
motion passed.
Dave recommended that the township buy some mailbox supports to have on hand for residents to purchase. Greg previously
found the cost is $65.00 each from Crow Wing County. Greg will talk to Roland Tougas about purchasing supports from him.
A motion was made by Dave to approve the November 27, 2018 minutes, seconded by Doug. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:35 pm.