Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting
December 10, 2018 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Dan Lee, Linda Schuety, Paul Stephany, Justin Burslie (Planning &
Zoning Administrator), Doug Kern (Township Supervisor) and Duane Ruona (Township clerk).
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no public hearings.
Added to the agenda was a brief review of the township's relationship with Sourcewell. Brad thanked Justin for working
with us and felt the relationship is working well. Justin stated that there may be more municipalities added and they may
be adding more staff. Brad asked that there be a yearly report for the next meeting.
Open Forum- Nothing.
Linda made a motion to accept the minutes of the October 8, 2018 meeting as written. Seconded by Doug. Motion passed.
New business. Commercial road improvements were discussed. Where a zoning change from residential to commercial may
affect a town road because of increased truck traffic should the township be able to assess the road upgrade to the commercial
property? The conditional use permit form asks if the road will be affected. Current commercial zoned property is along
improved roads. Justin will look at it and bring back a recommendation.
The Highway 371 commercial corridor was discussed. The current comprehensive plan was done in 2008. From Brainerd to
the junction of Business 371 and TH 371 is considered commercial. There has been interest in rezoning the rural residential
part of TH 371 south of Business 371 to commercial. There is no infrastructure along the TH 371 corridor. MNDOT regulates
entrances to their highway. It was suggested that the entire corridor shouldn't be rezoned until a plan is in place for access
to the properties. Are frontage or backage roads the best way to handle the access question? The question of development
along TH 371 could be part of a survey/mailer sent to township residents. Sourcewell has a Small Project Partnership program
that could help with the cost of sending out a survey/mailer.
Subdivision application fees and after-the-fact fees were discussed. The current penalty for after-the-fact fees is three
times the regular fee and requires a septic inspection. That is the same as the Crow Wing County fee. Is there a need
to raise the fees? Subdivision application fees were discussed. The current fee for a parcel less than 10 acres is $300.00.
Crow Wing County charges $100.00 plus $25.00 per parcel which has changed from when the township adopted their fee schedule.
Justin will review the fee schedule and bring back a recommendation.
The Shawn Fletcher property was discussed. Brad talked to some of the neighbors and received comments that the berm is
not high enough, they took out too many trees, and the late night noise has been reduced. Justin inspected the facility with
Shawn and was told the berm is not complete yet. Trees will need to be planted on top of the berm. The Planning Commission
will tour the property in the spring.
Peat mining in St. Mathias Township on the south border of Crow Wing Township by Craig Holtz and James Puetz was discussed.
Crow Wing County is holding a public hearing on the matter on December 20, 2018 at the courthouse. If any work is done in
Crow Wing Township, the county will notify the township.
Under old business the Jillson property violation was discussed. Brad received confirmation that the county attorney
has placed the property cleanup as part of his probation requirements. The Engholm property violation was discussed. Edina
Realty call the clerk to verify the amount of the judgement against the property because they had a closing on another parcel
that the judgement was also applied to. Wade Tomberlin attended the last town board meeting and was reminded to bring in
proof of septic certification, garbage pickup and vehicle titles. The Bigwoods Properties have had some cleanup work done
but not everything appears to be in compliance.
Permit activity since the last meeting was discussed. There have been 6 permits issued. Four for accessory structures;
one pre-manufactured dwelling; and one that split 3 acres from a 34 acre tract. Justin will put together a year-end report
for the next meeting. Paul suggested that Justin provide a running list at each meeting instead of just the current permits.
Dan made a motion to adjourn, Paul seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM.