Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, and Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
Steve Engholm and Dinah Sundberg were present to discuss the Isla Engholm property. The Brainerd property included in
the Isla Engholm Trust can't be sold until two judgements against the trust are satisfied. The total amount due is approximately
$22,000. Steve wants the township to release the judgement on the property in Brainerd because he has a buyer for that property.
Steve wants to make arrangements to buy back the property in Crow Wing Township and clean it up. The property is in forfeiture
and Crow Wing County now owns the property. If the judgement is released, it would have to be filed again against the Barrows
property. The clerk will contact the MAT attorney to find out if the township can put the total assessment on the Barrows
property and what the process would be.
There was no new business.
Under unfinished business, the Sweet Road & 50th Avenue project as part of Crow Wing County Project #18-300-05 was
discussed. Greg contacted Mark Melby at the Crow Wing County Highway Department and new conforming mailbox supports as part
of the project would cost $95-$100 each. After discussion, Greg made a motion to include new conforming mailbox supports
as part of the Sweet Road and 50th Avenue project that is included in Crow Wing County Project #18-300-05. Doug seconded,
motion passed. Mark Melby also said the project would include 2.5" of asphalt, the slope will remain the same, top soil
will be placed on the shoulders, and hydro-seeding will be done. After discussion, it was decided that there would be no
pavement markings included in the project. Dave made a motion to approve the improvements to Sweet Road and 50th Avenue as
part of Crow Wing County Project #18-300-05, including new conforming mailbox supports and removing the pavement markings
from the Crow Wing County Engineer's Estimate. Doug seconded, motion passed.
There was no new information received concerning the Chad Jillson, Wade Tomberlin, Dale Dillon, and Martin Copa violations.
There is still a vehicle parked in the right-of-way at the Josh Neelan property. A towing company has been contacted to tow
the vehicle but as of yet they haven't picked up the vehicle.
There were no public comments.
There was nothing to report from the Planning Commission.
Road Issues. Dave picked up a mattress on the right-of-way. He will wait to dispose of it until he has more items to
take to the landfill.
Under communications, a notice was received stating that the Carleton County Extension By-products Program has reviewed
and accepted an application by Scott Tisdell to apply wood ash and/or lime on 25 acres in Crow Wing Township to raise the
soil pH.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The 2020 Budget and levy was discussed. The clerk put together a spreadsheet of the 2015, 2016, and 2017 budget vs.
actual amounts for comparison and discussion in setting the 2020 budget. Each fund and account was reviewed and suggested
budget amounts for 2020 were entered.
Dave recommended that the township buy some mailbox supports to have on hand for residents to purchase. Greg previously
found the cost is $65.00 each from Crow Wing County. Greg will talk to Roland Tougas about purchasing supports from him.
A motion was made by Doug to approve the November 13, 2018 minutes, seconded by Dave. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.