Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Doug Kern, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Treasurer Sue Kern and Clerk
Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
Wade Tomberlin was present to discuss the cleanup of his property. There is a recycling dumpster on site, there are still
tires to be removed, and the fire number sign has not been purchased. Wade forgot about getting the outhouse inspection.
He has put up a new mailbox. Wade said he will get stuff done by next month's meeting. Dan Hawley has sent copies of the
Chad Jillson legal documents to the township. There has been no progress on the Engholm, Dillon, and Copa violations. Greg
has contacted a towing company to remove the vehicle in the right-of-way at the Neelan property.
The clerk was directed to order an infant swing seat to replace the one damaged at the park.
Brad reported that the Planning Commission will be discussing commercial development on township roads, development along
Business 371 and the comprehensive plan. Shawn Fletcher is working on setting up the wood chip dryer. Brad will contact
Justin about any contact with Shawn about the concrete pile on the property. Dave talked to Shawn about repairing the logging
truck damage on Wetherbee Road.
Under public comments Randy asked about fixing the pothole on Barrows Avenue.
Sweet Road, 50th Avenue, Riverwood Circle and Sophie's Way improvements were discussed. An estimate was received from
Mark Melby with Crow Wing County about the costs of improving the roads as part of a county project. Dave went out with county
employees who did borings on all four roads as well as 110th Street, Forest Heights Drive, Forest Heights Circle, Black Bear
Trail, and Black Bear Circle. After discussion it was determined that Riverwood Circle and Sophie's Way will not be done
at this time. Greg will contact Mark with questions about the project. Doug made a motion to table approval of the project
until the next meeting. Greg seconded, motion passed.
Road Report. Dave put up a stop sign on Libby Lane. There was a question about the entrance permit for Dave Peterson
on Town Hall Street. Mr. Peterson paid $50 for the permit after the entrance was installed and Brad will talk to Justin about
having him pay the $100 late fee. Dave has not received a price from Anderson Brothers on shouldering Cook Road and possible
work on Gorron Road. The street light at 70th Avenue and TH 371 has been repaired. The clerk was instructed to send a letter
to Lonette Martin about items blocking the stop sign at Wels Avenue and Heron Street.
Treasurer's report and claims were reviewed and approved.
Town Road Mileage Certification was sent to Crow Wing County. Total miles for 2018 is 40.122
Certifying the outstanding administrative fees to the property taxes was discussed. Greg made a motion to certify the
administrative fees and place them on the property taxes, seconded by Doug, motion passed.
Greg made a motion that the Town Board not meet on the fourth Tuesday in December, seconded by Dave, motion passed.
Dave asked if the township should buy some mailbox supports to have on hand for residents to purchase. Greg said the
cost is $65.00 each from Crow Wing County. Greg will talk to Roland Tougas about purchasing supports from him.
Motion was made by Doug to approve the October 23, 2018 minutes with a correction, seconded by Greg. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:47 pm.