Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Doug Kern, Supervisor Dave Schultz & Treasurer Sue Kern acting
as Clerk in Duane Ruona's absence.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
New Business: There was a new citizen complaint of a property in Forest Heights which has multiple animals. The citizen
states there are bad smells from the animals. Discussion was had regarding the number of animals vs. the number of acres and
the distance of the animals from the neighboring property. It was decided to have the Planning and Zoning Commission review
the ordinance and this situation. They will review the matter at their next meeting and make a recommendation.
Unfinished Business: The Chad Jillson violation was discussed. It was reported the old RV was moved off Blake's on the
South border, however, 3 trucks, 1 trailer and 1 garbage trailer remain as well as garbage throughout. It is believed he
is not in custody. We are still awaiting on the attorney. This matter will be discussed at the October 8th meeting.
The Josh Neelan violation was discussed. The Honda car is still in the right of way and the mess is worse. Greg will
be calling a Collins Brothers to tow the vehicle away and bill us.
There was also a new complaint regarding Libby Lane and Catherine's Way with fast drivers. The citizen wants a speed
sign posted. This has not been past practice. Greg will call Rob Hall for input.
The light on 70th & Hwy 371 has been reported as out. Doug will call Crow Wing Power.
Public Comments: Greg asked if there were any Public Comments. There were none.
Planning Commission: Brad was not present but he had talked to Greg. Fletcher's got a cease and desist order regarding
the crushing of the aggregate. If there is a problem, the Sheriff will be called.
At the special meeting on September 13th, Fletcher's got the go ahead with the new system with contingencies to be followed.
No prior complaints by residents had been made prior to the public meeting. Fletcher's will be re-visited in a month after
the new system has been running.
Road Issues: There is a driveway at 6580 Wilson School Avenue without a prior entry permit. Duane will send them a letter.
Jerry from Anderson's called Dave about crack filling. He will check back in the Spring. They would charge for time and
material and give a quote of price to not exceed a certain dollar amount. Greg will talk to the folks at Long Lake on how
they did some of their projects.
Discussion was had regarding TriCity not doing culverts/shoulders on Cook. There was discussion of their price of $15/yd
and Anderson's $18.45/yd on Town Hall Street. Anderson's will look at it when they are here.
Town Hall Street was discussed and the workmanship of the project. There are a few spots where the ditches are steep
and discussion was had as to what to do about it, if anything. The corners were done 2 feet wider which was good. Possibly
on our next project consideration will be given of 3 foot shouldering. Some of the road was rough/bumpy. The ALR (areas of
localized roughness) is about 530 ft. long on the south bound road or possibly even longer. A possible solution is a mill
(length to be determined) and repave compacted wear course to eliminate the rough ride at Anderson's expense. Anderson Brothers
does quality work and want to do right by us. They talked about a re-do or deduct and use money to work on the ditches. It
was decided to wait for the bill and then decide among the options. Greg will follow up with Scott at Anderson's.
Communications: The Board will decide about the CWCATO Fall meeting at their next meeting.**
Payroll sheets were reviewed and approved.
Doug made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 11th meeting. Dave requested revisions in his road report.
Those corrections will be made and Doug made motion to approve revised minutes. Dave seconded. Passed.
A Road Planning Meeting was scheduled for Monday, October 1, 2018 @ 6pm to discuss the 5 year plan and which roads will
be done and when to do them. They will try to line up with county work as a cost savings measure.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.