Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting
September 10, 2018 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Dan Lee, Linda Schuety, Paul Stephany, Justin Burslie (Planning &
Zoning Administrator), Doug Kern (Township Supervisor).
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There was a public hearing for Ordinance Amendment Application 18-4595 regarding "interim use permits, recycling,
biodegradable," and "manufacturing, wood products."
Applicant: Crow Wing Township
Purpose: The applicant is requesting to allow Interim Use in the Commercial Zones and Allowed in the Light Industrial
Background: Mr. Burslie reviewed the staff report and explained the options for allowing either recycling, biodegradable,
or manufacturing, wood products as an interim use in the commercial zones and allowed in the light industrial zone. The application
was initiated by the planning commission after discussion last month with Shawn Fletcher regarding his proposal to construct
and operate a wood chip dryer on his property.
Chair Arnold opened the meeting for public comment.
Carol Wermter asked about the definition and if the word recycling could be removed.
Chair Arnold stated if the word recycling remains it would allow for more broad use including recycling of wood pallets,
Commissioner Kern made a motion to recommend approval of the ordinance amendment application using the definition of recycling,
biodegradable and removing manufacturing, wood products, Commissioner Lee seconded. All members voted aye and the motion
carried unanimously.
There were no additions or deletions to the agenda.
Open Forum- Rahn Findlay expressed interest in rezoning his property located at 11378 Greenwood St to commercial. He
stated Archery Country purchased the adjacent parcel and they might also be interested in rezoning.
Burslie explained the rezoning application process.
Commissioner Schuety made a motion to accept the minutes of the August 13, 2018 meeting as written. Seconded by Commissioner
Lee. Motion passed.
Under New Business Joel Brott explained his proposal to potentially rezone seven or eight acres of the property located
at 8577 State Highway 371 to Commercial 2. He stated he plans to construct and operate a retail business.
Permit activity since the last meeting was discussed. Two permits have been issued. One for a new single family dwelling
and the other for an accessory structure.
Commissioner Schuety asked if permits are required for hoop structures. Mr. Burslie stated any accessory structure exceeding
160 sf requires a permit.
Commissioner Lee made a motion to adjourn, Commissioner Schuety seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM.