Board Members Present: Vice Chairman Doug Kern, Supervisor Dave Schultz & Treasurer Sue Kern, also acting as Clerk
in Duane Ruona's absence.
Doug called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
Unfinished Business: The Chad Jillson property was discussed. The attorney is sending a letter and we hope to hear from
him soon.
With regard to Tomberlin violation, formal papers have been submitted X4 and not received. It is believed that he is
Engholm, Dillon, Neelan and Copa violations still need attention. The board has agreed to work on one or two at a time.
Brad gave a report from the Planning Commission with regard to the Ordinance Number 18-01, Article 8, Interim Use Permits
with regard to Recycling Biodegradable. Currently there is a gray area in which certain areas are not identified. Mr. Fletcher
wants to use a dryer for wood chips and that is not defined in the current ordinance. Options would include 1-Light Industrial
Zoning which was ruled out because it is too close to residential properties. 2-Special use permit but there is a void in
the ordinance. Board options include a special use ordinance but also revisited as interim and would have to have a deadline
attached with any specific amount of time attached to it. If this ordinance is approved, the applicant (Fletcher) has taken
the proper steps to have a special planning and zoning meeting this Thursday (9-13-18). At that meeting a common ground must
be met between the neighbors and the applicant with regard to specifics and a deadline.
Technically the applicant is in violation by processing aggregate. Applicant claimed they were all done with that but
apparently he is not. However, no formal complaint was made.
The Board is to decide if to go forward with a special use permit. The process would go forward after the public meeting,
then the applicant and Planning and Zoning Commission must agree to terms. The Planning and Zoning Commission has the final
say. Any future recurrence requires a public hearing and terms must be met. The public has been notified of the special forum
¼ mile of the site. Previously it was only 500 feet next to the business were notified. There was public present at the meeting
who said they were not notified and they have complaints of the sound levels in the middle of the night. They did say that
they were fine with the working hours being 8:00-5:30 but stated they didn't think their complaints would do anything.
Discussion was had with regard to the Big Woods Commercial 2 ordinance. Commercial 2 does state its retail & mercantile
hours of 8-5:30.
Brad brought up the positive pitch of no smoke, just steam and the machine was quiet but the associated items are the
problem, ie. the backup beeping, phone ringing, intercom PA at all hours of the night. If the ordinance is approved, there
are more mechanisms in the ordinance in place as the interim use permit allows more control and the Planning Commission including
a cease and desist in order for crushing rocks.
A motion was made by Dave and seconded by Doug to approve the Ordinance 18-01. Motion passed. A second motion was made
by Doug, seconded by Dave to approve the second portion of the Ordinance 18-01. Motion passed. Justin would be available
Wednesday, 9-12-18 for any additional questions. Public had been informed to attend the Thursday public open meeting for further
discussion and set up of terms with the applicant and the Planning Commission.
Public comments: Randy had brought in the child swing that was broken. We need a new baby swing in the park as that
is the most used item there.
Treasurer's report was given. Payroll checks signed. Claims approved.
Election judge training was approved for Darlene Jillson and Sharon Schultz to attend. Motion by Doug, seconded by Dave.
New Business: Parking lot discussion. DNR needs a letter of recommendation. There is no money until Spring.
Road Report: Dave left a message with TriCity regarding shouldering and culverts. Duane will need to send a bill for
the extra culvert but that can wait until the next meeting. ***
Duane will need to send a letter to the property owner who did the logging near the race track to shape the shoulder to
two feet and seed the area. **
With regard to Canary Street and Brandon Way regarding driveways with no permits, a letter was sent without a response.
They will need to be dealt with. Duane should send another letter. **
There needs to be discussion as to which roads and the number of miles are to be done in 2019 so Dave can get bids around
January. A meeting will be scheduled.
Dave made a motion to approve the minutes. Doug seconded. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm.