Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, & Sue Kern as acting Clerk
in Duane Ruona's absence.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
New Business: Gerry Schuety expressed an interest in being the new Handyman when Randy retires. Discussion was had.
Randy plans to be done mid September. Doug made motion to hire Gerry. Greg seconded the motion. Motion was passed unanimously.
Randy will share with him what his duties will be. The treasurer will contact him regarding PERA.
Erin Road right away was discussed. Steve Fenske, attorney, had been consulted and he informed Duane that "if the
unrecorded section has been maintained any six consecutive years, and has been open to the public, then the town has right
of way under Minn. Stat. 160.05. This is called use and maintenance or prescriptive easement right of way." No action
was taken.
Wade Tomberlin was present at the meeting to discuss his property. Brad Arnold gave a report indicating all the things
he has done including moving the shed behind garage and he had done some repairs on it as well as getting rid of one vehicle.
The property continues to get better. There is no evidence of incoming new material as was indicated by the neighbor. There
was no evidence of buried junk or burned junk. A lot of clean up had been done. Some tires have been taken care of as we
had discussed. He will continue working on that. The smell was coming from a chicken that had been thrown in a bag. It
has been disposed of. He is storing some vehicles for a friend and he presented the titles for said vehicles. He intends
to drive them when they are repaired. He does not currently drive but intends to drive at some point. The board has instructed
him to get a certification for sanitary service and get a dumpster placed to continue working on removal of more debris and
more tires. He is to remove parts from the van and dispose of the rest or give van update. He is to return September 25th
with certification for the sanitary service. The board is happy that there is progress.
Chad Jillson property was discussed and motion made by Dave to proceed with law enforcement. Greg seconded the motion.
Motion passed unanimously. Dave will take pictures. Greg will contact the Sheriff. Justin will contact the Sheriff.
There was discussion of special meeting for the Fletcher project to expedite it. He is willing to pay for the special
meeting. Terry Fischer spoke up stating there should be a sound level survey and offered up his meter. He is concerned the
neighbors will be upset with the noise. There will be an open meeting coming up. This possibly could be September 13th and
Brad will get back to the board.
Tom Feiraband was present to discuss several subjects after receiving a letter. He had concerns that Lone Oak area roads
are deteriorating. He said the ditches were
not mowed in areas where many house were and yet mowed where few houses were. He discussed the hole that had not been
repaired and said he was having Anderson Brothers take care of it. There was discussion about the ditches not being seeded
and the utility department not completing the work in the ditches. There was a discussion about the culvert sizes. Dave
mentioned the ordinance requires a 15" size culvert. Tom also talked about his disappointment with snowplowing. The
board informed him we have a two year contract with Brad Gorron and there were no other bids to choose from. There was much
discussion about how people misuse his property and dump their debris. He stated snowmobiles, 4 wheelers and hikers were welcome.
Brad Arnold and the board discussed options for catching people in the act of disposing their debris. Also discussed was an
easement with the county and a Federal program for restrictive conservation. The board may look into Minimum Road Construction
ordinances with regard to the culverts in the future.
Public Comments: The town hall road group attended asking when their road will be done and it is hoped to be completed
before winter as early as mid September. Terry Fischer was referred to MN Dot regarding some needed cold patch regarding
another issue.
The possibility of the new swing arm mailboxes was discussed and may be made available at a discount and may also include
an install price as well.
Randy Powers mentioned a picnic table had been destroyed last night and the board asked him to fix it.
Dave reported a part broke when he was ditch mowing on 50th. It will cost about $300 for repairs. The neighbors helped
him get the tractor out and he told them they could bill the township for their time.
Communications: A letter was received from Crow Wing County Land Services regarding tax forfeited land sale for RE Codes
540121400000AAO & 540121400000ABO. The board supports their action and no action on their part is required.
Doug gave a report of the District 8 meeting that he and Sue attended.
Doug also reported there were about 8 trees in the cemetery that need to come down. He and Gerry will work on that as
they are able to do so.
Dave mentioned that Joe on Brandon Way needed a second driveway permit. Greg made motion to approve. Doug seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.
There was discussion with regard to parking lot on Brandon Way or Crow Wing Heights and it is to be put on the agenda
for future discussion.***
Payroll sheets were reviewed and approved.
Motion was made by Doug to approve the minutes as written from August 15th, 2018. Dave seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm.