Regular Meeting, Tuesday July 24, 2018 6:00 PM Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, and Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
Mailbox Supports for the township were discussed. Crow Wing County sells them to county road residents for $37.12 or
$70.00 if the county installs them. New supports are installed at no cost as part of every road project. Illegal supports
are replaced on certain roads. If a snow plow hits a conforming support, the county fixes it. If the damage is caused by
snow only or it is a non-conforming support, the county will not fix it. Greg will check on costs to the township for supports
and try to contact contractors that do that type of work. Dave will start counting the number of supports needed when he
does his road tour. It might be possible to have the county give out contact information for the township when they issue
a new address so people can get an entrance permit and mailbox support.
A copy of a suggested Utility Permit form for Crow Wing Township was discussed. The form would be used by utility companies
to apply for a permit for any work done in town road right-of-way. Dave made a motion to use the Crow Wing Township Utility
Permit form with a minimum fee of $100.00 for the first mile and $50.00 for each additional mile of construction. Greg seconded,
motion passed. The clerk will notify the utility companies who work in the township.
Brad had some information to send to Dan Hawley about the Chad Jillson violation. The Engholm property is in the forfeiture
process. The Tomberlin property is due for another inspection. Brad will check with Justin about doing an inspection in
the near future. A question was asked about the Markuson property cleanup. Crow Wing County is responsible for the property
cleanup. Greg will call and see if the cleanup is scheduled.
The temporary driveways that were installed and not removed yet were discussed. Cliff Sasker will remove the driveway
that loggers installed on his property. Cliff said they never asked him if they could install the driveway. Dave suggested
that all temporary driveways require a permit just like other entrances. Greg made a motion to require a temporary entrance
permit for a deposit of $250.00 with a refund of $200.00 after the Road Supervisor has approved the temporary entrance removal.
Doug seconded, motion passed.
Dave received a call from Chad Knudson about replacing the stop sign at the Wild Rice Depot entrance. Chad stated that
other businesses don't have one so he will not put one up. The township taking over Golden Oak Drive was discussed. Two-thirds
of the lots have been developed. The developer's agreement states that a deposit of $2,000.00 with the township is required
to warranty the road for a period of two years from the date the township takes over the road. Dave made a motion to accept
Golden Oak Drive as a town road. Greg seconded, motion passed.
Greg got copies of the deeds to properties at the end of Erin Road so the actual township right-of-way for Erin Road could
be determined. After looking at all the legal descriptions, Greg made a motion to spend up to $500 to have a surveyor review
the documents. Dave seconded, motion passed. Dave fixed the bad spots on Cook Road Shoulders. Tri-City plans to do the
shouldering on Cook Road the middle of August.
Darlene Jillson was present to discuss a water problem on her property. She asked if the county ditch that runs from
Mine Lake to Crow Wing Lake is blocked. Brad and Dave have walked the ditch and the water is flowing as it should. Beaver
have been taken out. The water table is high because the past several years have had so much rain.
A notice was received about the MAT District 8 meeting on August 22, 2018 at the Pierz Ballroom.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The clerk will be unavailable to attend the August 28, 2018 Town Board meeting. Greg recommended that the Treasurer be
contacted and asked to take notes at that meeting.
Resolution 2018-04 Designating a Liaison and Alternate Liaison for the 2018-2020 Road Contractor Services Agreement with
Northland Excavating was discussed. Greg made a motion to adopt Resolution 2018-04. Doug seconded, motion passed.
Doug made a motion to approve the minutes as written from July 10, 2018. Dave seconded, motion passed. Greg made a motion
to approve the Road Committee minutes as written from July 16, 2018. Doug seconded, motion passed.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.