Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting
July 9, 2018 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Dan Lee (Vice Chair), Linda Schuety, Justin Burslie (Planning & Zoning Administrator),
Doug Kern (Township Supervisor), Duane Ruona (Town Clerk).
Dan Lee called the meeting to order at 6:04 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Brad and Paul were not present at the meeting.
There were no public hearings.
Under additions to the agenda a complaint about the property at 6726 Estate Circle Drive owned by Joe Merrill was received.
It appears that he is dismantling vehicles and mobile homes on his property which is a violation of the Land Use Ordinance.
After discussion, it was agreed that Dan and Linda will drive by the property after tonight's meeting and contact Justin about
making a recommendation to the board.
There were no comments under Open Forum.
Doug made a motion to accept the minutes of the May 14, 2018 meeting. Seconded by Linda. Motion passed. Dan asked about
the status of Conditional Use Permit Application 18-4571 on North Koering Road. Fort Ripley Township told Justin that load
restrictions apply to the gravel portion of the road. No permits for the property have been applied for at this time.
Under New Business the Buffalo Creek Circle flooding issue was discussed. Justin talked to one resident and invited him
to tonight's meeting. Dave Schultz talked to Charles Cogger and Dave Main today about the issue and is meeting with Mr. Cogger
at his property tomorrow at 5 PM. The issue will be dealt with at tomorrow night's town board meeting.
Big Woods Timberframes Conditional use permit was reviewed. The property along Business 371 (Brians Way) is not to have
outside storage. Currently there are numerous piles of timbers in the parking area of the property which is a violation of
the ordinance. The Greenwood Street property has piles that are falling over and employees have been parking in the ditch.
Justin will send them a letter listing the items in violation and stating they must be remedied and requesting the owners
come to a town board meeting.
Under Old Business the Chad Jillson violation was discussed. Justin is waiting for contact from Dan Hawley to be able
to proceed with prosecution of the violation. The clerk will send Mr. Hawley a reminder to contact Justin. The Engholm property
has gone into forfeiture. A Notice of Expiration of Redemption on the property was just received from Crow Wing County.
The Wade Tomberlin violation was discussed. A letter has been sent to Mr. Tomberlin requesting copies of the current certification
for his outhouse and proof of current garbage pickup. He was invited to attend a Planning Commission or Town Board meeting
to discuss the status of the property cleanup. Another inspection of the property will be done in the near future.
Permit activity since the last meeting was discussed. Six new permits have been received. Four are for new accessory
structures, and two are for new single family dwellings.
Review of the Crow Wing Township Comprehensive Plan on the Crow Wing County website was tabled until the next meeting.
Linda asked how many townships have current Comprehensive plans. Justin will send the planning commission members the link
to the Crow Wing County webpage with that information.
Justin told everyone about the name change from NJPA to Sourcewell. The name change better describes the activities of
NJPA. The new website is
Linda made a motion to adjourn, Doug seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:50 PM.