A. Applicant shall complete Subdivision/Rezoning Application and submit to Township Planner.
B. Preliminary Plat applications shall be completed at least to the minimum standards of the Ordinance.
C. Final Plat applications shall be completed as per the requirements of the Township Board from the Preliminary Plat
Hearing and the minimum standards of the Ordinance, Crow Wing County and the State of Minnesota.
D. Submittals for Metes and Bounds Subdivisions (lot splits) shall conform to the minimum requirements of a preliminary
plat if either the proposed new parcel or the remnant is less than 10 acres. A survey, showing topography, of both lots must
be submitted.
E. If any of the parcels contain structures with an ISTS, a Sewer Compliance Inspection must be submitted.
F. Applicants shall submit 9 copies of the proposed subdivision on 11x17 size paper and at least 1 copy of the proposed
subdivision on plat size paper.
G. All applications must be submitted 30 days prior to the Planning and Zoning meeting in which applicant wishes to be
H. The Township Planner shall, based on submittals, compute the subdivision permit fee. This fee shall be paid by the
applicant at the time of application.
A. The Township Planner shall review the application for completeness and assign a reference number to application, plans,
and any other attachments. Applicant will be notified where additional information is needed.
B. After receipt of a completed Subdivision Application and supporting documents, the Township Planner shall schedule
a public hearing date on the Planning Commission's agenda for the earliest possible opening. Applicant will be notified by
mail of the date and time of the public hearing.
C. Township Planner will prepare a Staff Report on the application. The Staff Report will be available for public review
at Town Hall and online at typically one week prior to the scheduled meeting date.
D. The Township Fee Schedule is based on average processing and review costs for all applications. When costs exceed the
original application fees, the applicant shall reimburse the Township for any additional costs. Such expenses may include,
but are not limited to, payroll, mailing costs, consultant fees and other professional services the Township may need to obtain
in reviewing permits. The Township may withhold final action on any application and/or hold the release of such permits until
all fees are paid.
A. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the application.
B. At the conclusion of the public hearing, and after consideration of the testimony presented, the Planning Commission
shall make a recommendation to the Town Board.
C. The Town Board shall consider the Planning Commission's recommendation at the next scheduled Board meeting.
Name of Applicant ___________________________________
Property Address (E911#) ____________________________
Mailing Address _____________________________________
(if different than above)
City, State, Zip _____________________________________
Phone ___________________ Local Phone __________________
Email __________________________________________________
Applicant is: Legal Owner ( ) Contract Buyer ( )
Option Holder ( ) Agent ( )
Other ________________________________________________
Title Holder of Property (if other than applicant)
Name ____________________________________________
Address _________________________________________
City, State, Zip ________________________________
Signature of Owner, authorizing application (required):
By signing the owner is certifying that they have read and understood the instructions accompanying this application.)
Signature of Applicant (if different than owner):
(By signing the applicant is certifying that they have read and understood the instructions accompanying this application.)
Location of property involved in this request:
Property ID # ___________________________________
(15 digit # on tax statement)
Zoning District ____________________
Nature of request (select only one):
Preliminary Plat ( ) Final Plat ( )
Metes and Bounds ( ) Rezoning ( )
Proposed New Zoning District_______________
Note: Applicants may apply for Preliminary Plat and Final Plat at the same time, but they must be on separate applications.
Preliminary Plat and Final Plat hearings will not be held at the same meeting. Effective date of Final Plat application will
be the date of Preliminary Plat approval.
APP # _________________
Date __________________
Fee ___________________
(for office use only)
_____ Completed application, signed by property owner
_____ Fee
_____ Sewer Compliance Inspection Report
_____ All current Township charges paid
_____ Survey
_____ Site plan with the minimum information outlined in the Ordinance (unless waived by Township Planner):
Planning and Zoning Administrator:
Justin Burslie
202 12th Street NE
PO Box 219
Staples, MN 56479
Phone: (218) 895-4151