Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting
May 14, 2018 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Dan Lee, Linda Schuety, Justin Burslie (Planning & Zoning Administrator),
Doug Kern (Township Supervisor), Duane Ruona (Town Clerk).
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There was a public hearing for Conditional Use Permit Application 18-4571 to construct and operate a home-based fence
contracting business.
Property Owners: Sharon Cole & Lynne Speed
Applicant: Craig Reikofski
Property Description: The subject property is located at the north end of North Koering Road (no physical address) and
described as: NE1/4 OF NE1/4 OF SW1/4 SEC 30 TWP 44 RGE 31. PIN 540303100200009.
Purpose: The applicant is proposing to construct a single-family dwelling and operate a fence-contracting business in
a proposed 9,150 sf accessory structure and other proposed accessory structures on the property. The business will have one
semi-truck delivery per week (average). There will be no retail sales on-site.
Background: The applicant is proposing to construct a single-family dwelling and multiple accessory structures to operate
a home-based fence contracting business on a property located at the north end of North Koering Road (east side-no physical
The subject property consists of two parcels and is 40 acres. The property is zoned "Agricultural/Forestry".
The proposed structures include:
2,200 sf single family dwelling with a three-stall garage
40' x 80' (3,200 sf) accessory structure
40' x 100' (4,000 sf) pole building
9,150 sf shop,
72'; x 100' (7,200 sf) accessory building
The proposed business will utilize an approximately 3.1 ac area for outdoor storage of fencing and other materials. The
proposed storage area and buildings will not be visible from adjacent properties.
The business will have one semi-truck delivery per week on average. There will be no retail sales on-site.
The business currently has four employees which would arrive at the subject property
Monday-Friday (occasionally Saturday) and depart in the business' vehicles. They would return to the property after the
work day is over and leave in their personal vehicles. The business operates seasonally as weather permits.
There was discussion about possible manufacturing on site. Mr. Reikofski stated that there would be some fabrication
of gates and vehicle maintenance done on site but no manufacturing. Brad asked about storm water runoff and suggested a plan
to control the runoff would be a good idea. Any expansion of the business would require a new conditional use permit.
Staff Recommendation: The proposed home business is allowed with a conditional use permit. It meets the minimum requirements
of the land use ordinance. Staff recommends the application be approved with the following conditions:
1) A 30 ft. wide (north/south) vegetative buffer shall remain intact along the north property line. No vegetation may
be removed from this area.
2) There shall be no more than an average of five semi-truck deliveries per month per year to the subject property.
3) The single-family dwelling shall be constructed and occupied (by the business owner) on the property before the business
may operate on the property.
4) PIN 540303100200009 and PIN 540303100100009 shall be consolidated before the business may operate on the subject property.
5) There shall be no retail sales allowed on the subject property.
6) Fort Ripley Township shall provide written approval that the road can handle truck traffic.
7) There shall be no more than 8 employees at the business.
A motion to approve Conditional Use Permit Application 18-4571 with the above seven conditions was made by Doug. Seconded
by Dan, motion passed.
Several neighbors of Chad Jillson were present to ask about the progress in resolving the ordinance violation. The township
attorney, Dan Hawley, recommended waiting to pursue the ordinance violation because of the other legal issues Mr. Jillson
was involved in. Civil prosecution would involve the possibility of having the Sheriff Department confiscate and sell items
related to the violation. The other option was to pursue the matter as a criminal violation. The Planning Commission recommends
that the Town Board ask Dan Hawley to pursue the prosecution of the violation. A certified letter should be hand delivered
by the Sheriff Department. One neighbor has pictures of people cutting through their property at all hours going to and from
the Jillson property. The neighbors were invited to attend the next town board meeting on May 22, 2018.
The question of whether the structure at 5703 Brandon Way has a building permit was brought up. Justin stated that a
permit was issued to the adjacent address which has the same owner.
Linda made a motion to accept the minutes of the March 12, 2018 meeting with a correction. Seconded by Dan. Motion passed.
Steve Engholm was in attendance to discuss the status of the Isla Engholm property. There is a question about how much
is owed to Crow Wing Township. Steve will check with Crow Wing County to determine the exact amount owed. He will attend
the next Town Board meeting. The property remains for sale.
Under new business the Public Nuisance Ordinance & Policy was discussed. A sample of the City of Pequot Lakes ordinance
was presented for review. It is much more detailed than the existing ordinance. Justin will send it to the town board for
their review. Doug Kern has replaced Greg Smith as the town board representative on the Planning Commission. A new three
year contract with NJPA for Planning and Zoning Services has been signed. Justin had new pages to be inserted in each Planning
Commission member's ordinance book.
The current Comprehensive Plan for Crow Wing Township that is on the Crow Wing County website is from 2005. There have
been many changes to the information since 2005 and the Planning Commission members should review the information and bring
back suggestions for improvement to the next meeting. The NJPA website has current information and a link to that site is
on the Crow Wing Township website.
The Wade Tomberlin violation was discussed. Brad has received calls from the neighbors about the status of the property
cleanup. It was recommended that a letter be sent to Mr. Tomberlin requesting copies of the current certification for his
outhouse and proof of current garbage pickup. Another inspection of the property will be done in the near future.
It was suggested that the Big Woods conditional use permit be reviewed. It appears that there may be some items in violation.
Justin will provide copies of the CUP and it will be discussed at the next meeting.
A complaint was received about a dwelling being built without a permit at 8600 Hwy 371. It appears that there is remodeling
to an existing building being done.
Permit activity from January 2018 to present was discussed. Six new permits have been received. Four are for new accessory
structures, one is for a storage building and one is for a deck.
Linda made a motion to adjourn, Dan seconded, meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.