Regular Meeting, Tuesday July 10, 2018 6:00 PM Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern and Clerk
Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
A copy of a suggested Buried Cable policy for Crow Wing Township was discussed. The clerk is working on a form to be
used by utility companies to apply for a permit.
Doug reported on Planning Commission meeting last night. The Chad Jillson violation was discussed. The township is currently
waiting on attorney Dan Hawley to proceed with prosecution of the violation. Dave drove back on the property and some items
have been moved but there are still items in violation. A notice from Crow Wing County was received stating that the Engholm
property has gone into forfeiture. The redemption period will expire on September 12, 2018. A letter was sent to Wade Tomberlin
requesting sanitary septic certification and proof of waste pickup. A follow-up inspection will be done in the near future
by Planning Commission members. The Planning Commission is reviewing the Crow Wing Township Comprehensive Plan that is currently
on the Crow Wing County website and will be making recommendations to update the information. Justin told everyone about
the name change from NJPA to Sourcewell. The name change better describes the activities of NJPA. The new website is
A letter will be sent to 6726 Estate Circle Drive about a Land Use Ordinance violation complaint that was reported to the
Planning Commission.
David and Amy Main were present to discuss the Buffalo Creek Road water issue. Dave talked to Charlie Cogger today about
the problem. Beth Hippert from Crow Wing County Soil and Water was out and gave Charlie a permit so he could pump water out
of his pond onto his property to get the flow away from his house. Dave told Mr. Main that he did not need to change his
driveway or culvert.
Under public comments the status of reconstruction of Town Hall Street was discussed. Greg heard from Anderson Brothers
Construction that Town Hall Road should be done in the middle of August. Residents had questions about the larger cul-de-sac
and will monitor the construction.
The Treasurer's report and claims were reviewed and approved.
Dave presented the Road report. Cars are parked in the right-of-way on 110th street. A letter was sent to the owner
and another letter will be sent letter to the occupants of the property. The Golden Oak development has four houses completed
on the six lots. The clerk will check the developer's agreement on the process for the township taking over Golden Oak Drive.
The TH 371 construction project has resulted in a drop of about 3 inches onto 50th Avenue on the south side of TH 371. Dave
called MNDOT about the problem and is waiting for a reply. The shoulder erosion on the east end of Cook Road was discussed.
Greg made a motion to shoulder Cook Road from Forest Heights Drive to CSAH 45 and spray oil on the new shoulders if the price
quote from Tri-City Paving is still valid. Doug seconded, motion passed.
The board agreed to have another road committee meeting on Monday, July 16, 2018 at 5:30 PM at the town hall. Complaints
have been received about the missing stop sign at the Wild Rice Depot driveway for vehicles entering Wild Rice Drive. A letter
will be sent to the owner asking him to replace the stop sign. A request was also received to repaint the lane striping on
Wild Rice Road for vehicles turning onto Wetherbee Road and into Wild Rice Depot. MNDOT will be repaving the entire interchange
and a request will be made for the striping to be done at the same time.
Doug had two cemetery deeds that were executed.
Doug made a motion to approve the minutes as written from June 26, 2018. Greg seconded, motion passed.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.