Regular Meeting, Tuesday June 26, 2018 6:00 PM Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, and Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
Mark Smieja was present to discuss the water problem between his property and the Charles Cogger property. There was
discussion about the issue and a blocked culvert on a private road on the property. Mark has had a pond on his property for
years and this has been an unusually wet fall and spring so the water level is high. There is also a pond on the Cogger property
with a clay liner. The issue does not affect the township road or right-of-way so there is not much the township can do.
The Erin Road water problem on the Jerry Czech property was discussed. Water runs down from a driveway on the west side
of the cul-de-sac and into the Czech property on the south side of Erin Road. Gravel is being washed down onto Erin Road.
Dave said that the driveway needs ditches. Class 5 was put down on the driveway a few years ago when the sand was washing
down onto the township road but the driveway is lower than the sides of the road. The Crow Wing County GIS map shows Erin
Road running west past the cul-de-sac. Greg will check with the county to see if that is correct.
A copy of a suggested Buried Cable policy for Crow Wing Township was reviewed. The board will review the policy and bring
back a recommendation to the next meeting. The clerk will make up a form to be used by utility companies to apply for a permit.
There has been damage done on the south side of Sweet Road from recent installation of buried cable.
Brad was present to discuss Planning Commission issues. The Chad Jillson violation was discussed. The township is currently
waiting on attorney Dan Hawley to proceed with prosecution of the violation. The question of if the township should pay to
clean up the violations was discussed. Items outside the property line could be removed. The cost to take the mobile home
to the landfill that is in violation could cost $1,500. A letter was sent to Wade Tomberlin requesting sanitary septic certification
and proof of waste pickup. A follow-up inspection will be done in the near future by Planning Commission members.
Dave mentioned that there are several driveways in the township that were installed as temporary or without a permit.
The fee is triple if a driveway is installed without a permit. The clerk was instructed to send letters to three properties
currently in violation.
Under public comments the status of reconstruction of Town Hall Street was discussed. The board is waiting for the contract
to be returned from Anderson Brothers. Terry Fischer said that the right-of-way for the curve on Town Hall Street is marked
and the brush in the right-of-way should be removed. The BMX track has been very busy lately and a lot of people have been
speeding down the road and running the stop sign. He asked if a speed limit sign could be installed. The town board has
reviewed the issue in the past and does not feel a sign is warranted. Residents should call the Sheriff Department if there
is a problem on a township street.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
Fletcher Trucking is recycling concrete and gravel from South 6th Street on his property on Business 371. There have
been a few questions about the operation being considered a gravel pit. Crow Wing County enforces gravel pit permits. The
township has not received any complaints.
Doug made a motion to approve the current list of qualified, trained election judges on file with the township for elections
in 2018. Dave seconded, motion passed.
Doug made a motion to approve the minutes as written from June 12, 2018. Greg seconded, motion passed.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.