Please read the conditional use application in its entirety before submitting the application. Applications
must be submitted 30 days before the Planning Commission meeting. The full land use ordinance is available at Town Hall.
A conditional use is a land use or development that would not be appropriate without restrictions, but may be allowed
with or without restrictions of conditions as determined by the Planning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission must
determine if the following requirements are met when reviewing a conditional use application:
1. The use or development is an appropriate conditional use in the land use zone.
2. The use or development, with conditions, conforms to the comprehensive land use plan.
3. The use with condition is compatible with the existing neighborhood.
4. The use with conditions would not be injurious to the public health, safety, welfare, decency, order, comfort, convenience,
appearance or prosperity of the Township.
The Planning Commission must also consider the following questions when reviewing the conditional use application:
1. The conditional use should not be injurious to the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity for
the purpose permitted on that property, nor substantially diminish or impair values in the immediate vicinity.
2. The conditional use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant property
for uses predominant in the area.
3. The conditional requirements at public cost for public facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic
welfare of the community.
4. The conditional use will have vehicular approaches to the property which are so designed as not to create traffic congestion
or an indifference with traffic on surrounding public thoroughfares.
5. Adequate measures have been taken to provide sufficient off-street parking and loading space to serve the proposed
6. Adequate measures have been taken or will be taken to prevent or control offensive odor, fumes, dust, noise, and vibration,
so none of these will constitute a nuisance and to control lights and signs in such a manner, that no disturbance to neighboring
properties will result.
7. The conditional use will not result in the destruction, loss or damage of a natural, scenic or historical feature of
major significance.
8. The conditional use will promote the prevention and control of pollution of the ground and surface waters including
sedimentation and control of nutrients.
A. Applicant shall complete Conditional Use Application provided by Zoning Administrator and submit to Zoning Administrator
30 days prior to scheduling public hearing.
B. Application shall be accompanied by nine (9) prints of site plan drawing complete with as a minimum the information
from Conditional Use Checklist.
C. Application shall be accompanied by application fee made payable to Crow Wing Township.
This fee does not cover the Land Use Permit, which must be filed separately, if necessary.
D. The Planning Commission holds their monthly meeting on the second Monday of the month at 6:00 PM at Town Hall. Meetings
are held as needed, so coordinate with the Zoning
Administrator for placement on the agenda.
A. Planning and Zoning Administrator shall review the application for completeness and assign a reference number to application,
plans, and any other attachments. Applicant shall be notified within ten days if additional information is required to complete
the application.
B. After receipt of a completed Conditional Use Application and supporting documents, the Zoning Administrator shall schedule
a public hearing date on the Planning Commission's agenda for the earliest possible opening. Applicant will be notified by
mail of the date and time of the public hearing.
C. Zoning Administrator will prepare a Staff Report on the application. The Staff Report will be available for public
review at Town Hall and online at typically one week prior to the scheduled meeting date.
D. The Township Fee Schedule is based on average processing and review costs for all applications. When costs exceed the
original application fees, the applicant shall reimburse the Township for any additional costs. Such expenses may include,
but are not limited to, payroll, mailing costs, consultant fees and other professional services the Township may need to obtain
in reviewing permits. The Township may withhold final action on any application and/or hold the release of such permits until
all fees are paid.
A. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the conditional use application.
B. At the conclusion of the public hearing, and after consideration of the testimony presented, the Planning Commission
shall make a decision on the application. The application can be approved, denied, or tabled in order to gather additional
C. Appeals of the Planning Commission decision are made to the Town Board.
Name of Applicant____________________________________
Property Address (E911#) ___________________________
Mailing Address ____________________________________
(if different than above)
City, State, Zip __________________________________
E-mail _____________________________________________
Applicant is :
Legal Owner ( ) Contract Buyer ( )
Option Holder ( ) Agent ( )
Other _____________________________________________
TITLE HOLDER OF PROPERTY: (if other than applicant)
Name ______________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________
City, State, Zip __________________________________
Signature of Owner, authorizing application (required):
(By signing the owner is certifying that they have read and understood the instructions accompanying this application.)
Signature of Applicant (if different than owner):
(By signing the applicant is certifying that they have read and understood the instructions accompanying this application.)
Property ID # (15 digit # on Tax Statement)
Zoning District ______________________
What are you proposing for the property? State nature of request in detail: ________________________________
What changes (if any) are you proposing to make to this site?
Building: ________________________________________
Landscaping: _______________________________________
Parking/Signs: _____________________________________
APP # ________ Date _________________ Fee ___________
(for office use only)
The applicant should be prepared at the public hearing to discuss the following issues by explaining how the proposed
Conditional Use will cause no significant adverse effects. Please complete all of the following questions:
(1) Describe the impact on the use and enjoyment of other property in the immediate vicinity. If there is no impact, explain
(2) Describe character of the area and the existing patterns and uses of development in the area. How is this proposal
consistent with those patterns and uses?
(3) Describe the impact on the capacity of existing or planned community facilities (sewer, drainage, other). Describe
if additional facilities will be required.
(4) Describe the impact on the character of the neighborhood in which the property is located.
(5) Describe the impact to traffic on roads and highways in the vicinity, and expected traffic generated by this application.
Is there adequate parking available to accommodate the proposal?
(6) Discuss any environmental limitations of the site or area.
_____ Completed application, including signature of property owner
_____ Fee
_____ Nine prints of the site plan (11"x 17" maximum size, 8.5" x 11" preferred)
_____ Sewer Compliance Inspection Report (if ISTS)
_____ All current Township charges paid
_____ No outstanding violations
_____ Site plan as close to scale as possible with the following information, as a minimum (unless waived by P&Z Administrator)*:
____ Legal Description of Site (can be located on most property tax statements)
____ Size of parcel and dimensions
____ All existing structures, their square footage, height, distance from all property lines and setbacks (including road,
bluff and lake OHW level) and each other
____ All proposed structures, their square footage, height, distance from all property lines and setbacks (including road,
bluff and lake OHW level) and each other
____ Location on the parcel of existing and proposed sewage treatment systems (ISTS) and wells and their distance from
property lines, structures and each other
____ Existing and/or proposed square footage of the driveway (gravel and paved), access roads, parking, sidewalks
____ Proposed landscaping, screening and drainage plans (required)
____ Location of the subject property (a copy of the tax map can be used)
____ Name of record owner/title holder of property
____ Approximate location of existing and proposed water courses, wooded areas, and other significant physical features
____ Approximate location of any proposed signs
* Under certain circumstances, the Planning Commission may require a professionally prepared property survey,
stormwater management plan, and/or landscaping plan.
Planning and Zoning Administrator:
Justin Burslie
202 12th Street NE
PO Box 219
Staples, MN 56479
Phone: (218) 895-4151