Regular Meeting, Tuesday June 12, 2018 6:00 PM Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern, and Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Doug had five cemetery deeds that needed to be signed and notarized. All were purchased before the new price structure
goes into effect.
There were no gopher bounties.
Sealed bids for the Town Hall Street project were opened. Two bids were received. The Knife River Bid was $206,980.50
and Anderson Brothers bid was $235,824.21. Tim Otremba from Knife River was present to answer questions about their bid.
After reviewing the bids, an addition error was discovered on the Knife River bid. The correct amount is $240,082.50. Asphalt
prices have risen from $300 per ton to $500 per ton partly due to the refinery fire in Superior last month. There was discussion
of the project cost compared to the cost of shoulder repair on 50th Street. Doug made a motion to accept Anderson Brothers
bid and the Chairman is authorized to sign the contract. Greg seconded, motion passed.
Brad was present to discuss Planning Commission issues. There has been correspondence with attorney Dan Hawley concerning
the Chad Jillson violation. The Engholm violation hasn't changed. The clerk was requested to send a letter to Wade Tomberlin
requesting sanitary septic certification and proof of waste pickup. An inspection will be done in the near future.
Under Public comments Richard Burton was present to request that Lone Oak Road be closed for a fireworks display. Greg
made a motion to close Lone Oak Road on August 18, 2018 from 9:15 PM to 10:15 PM. Doug seconded, motion passed. Bob LaFlex
from 6540 Estate Drive was present to talk about a neighbor at 6726 Estate Circle Drive who is dismantling vehicles on his
property which is a violation of the zoning ordinance. He asked about the requirements for putting up a fence on his property.
The Planning Commission will discuss the issue at their next meeting.
Brad stated that the township park needs to be improved. It is in need of maintenance and upkeep. Recycled aluminum can
proceeds are put into the Park Fund. Randy stated that it seems like when something is improved at the park, it is soon vandalized.
More Sheriff Department patrols need to be requested.
Treasurer's report and claims were reviewed and approved. Terry Fischer asked for a copy of the 2018 budget and cash
control statement. Copies were provided.
Correspondence from the State Demographer was reviewed. The 2017 Population and Household Estimates is: April 1, 2017
population estimate is 2,070 and the April 1, 2017 household estimate is 731. The board accepted these estimates.
There are trees at the cemetery that are dead and need to be taken down. Gerry and Linda Schuety will take care of it.
The clerk met with Doug Morris on May 29th and the 2019 recycling budget will be increased from $10,000 to $15,000. The
clerk was requested to post the recycling workers phone numbers inside the shed. The MAT Summer Specialized Training agenda
was reviewed. It was decided that nobody would attend.
Doug made a motion to approve the minutes as written from May 22, 2018. Greg seconded, motion passed.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 PM.