Regular Meeting, Tuesday May 22, 2018 6:00 PM Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, and Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Steve Engholm was present to discuss the Engholm property violation. Crow Wing County has a June 1, 2018 deadline for
the property to go tax forfeited. The current amount due to Crow Wing County equals $16,436.65. If Steve pays 10% of the
amount due and pays the balance over 10 years he could keep the property. He is going to check on financing options and will
keep the board informed.
Greg talked to Ideal Township about the MnDOT RQI van that they had run their roads. The data comes up with a Ride Quality
Index for comparing road condition on all township roads. Anderson Brothers will be doing the CSAH 21 project in June and
could tie in Town Hall Road at that time. The township needs to request sealed bids for the project because of state statute.
Doug made a motion to request bids for Town Hall Street improvements. Greg seconded. Motion passed 2-1.
Under public comments a resident asked why the township park isn't being maintained. It would be used a lot more if it
was kept up. They asked why it couldn't be used for Brainerd youth ball games. Last year Brainerd Parks and Rec was contacted,
but the township was told they were not interested in using the township park. Another resident asked why there was not a
"Do Not Enter" sign when you turn left from Wild Rice Depot. Greg was looking into it. The question was asked
if trees on the corner of Town Hall Street could be cut down. Owner permission is required to cut anything outside the 33'
ROW. The question of installing a 30 MPH sign on Town Hall Street was discussed. Greg will check on the possibility of installing
There were 40 gopher bounties turned in from Luella Tisdell.
The Chad Jillson property violation was discussed. The Planning Commission recommended that a certified letter be delivered
to Mr. Jillson by the Sheriff Department to continue the legal process for cleaning up the property. Neighbors were present
to request that something be done to get Mr. Jillson's property off the neighbor's land. They also had pictures of people
from the Jillson property trespassing on their property and offered to give the pictures to the attorney. Dave made a motion
to have the clerk contact attorney Dan Hawley to proceed with civil or criminal prosecution to clean up the property and have
notice delivered by the Sheriff Department. Greg seconded, motion passed.
The road maintenance contract bids for 2018-2020 were opened. The only bid received was from Brad Gorron of Northland
Construction. Dave made a motion to accept the bid from Northland Construction. Greg seconded, motion passed.
Recycling of aluminum cans was discussed. Currently cans are stored in the shed until there are enough for Randy to take
to the recycler. Funds received are deposited in the park fund. It might be easier to handle the cans in another fashion.
This will be discussed at the next meeting.
Buried cable policy/permits was discussed. A copy of the Crow Wing County Highway Department policy and fees was reviewed.
The clerk will put together a suggested policy following the Crow Wing County policy for review at the next meeting. The
utility that installed cable on 50th street north of Gorron Road needs to come back and fix the ROW. The clerk will send
them a letter.
Cemetery plot prices were discussed. Doug checked prices at other cemeteries and the average price is $800 per lot and
$250 for a 3X3 plot for urns. After discussion, Doug made a motion to set cemetery lot prices at: $300 for inside lots for
township residents; $500 for roadside lots for township residents; and $800 for any lots sold to non-residents. There was
no second. Dave made a motion to set cemetery lot prices at: $300 for inside lots for township residents; $500 for roadside
lots for township residents; and $1,200 for any lots sold to non-residents. Doug seconded, motion passed. Doug has quoted
prices to several individuals and told them they had 30 days to decide. Greg made a motion to have the new prices effective
June 15, 2018, Doug seconded, motion passed. The transfer/recording fee was also discussed. Greg made a motion to set the
recording fee at $75. Dave seconded, motion passed.
Some residents in attendance asked if they could see the current budget and financial statements for the township. The
treasurer has those documents and will be in attendance at the next meeting. Copies will be available to the public at that
Other zoning violations were discussed. The Planning Commission will be inspecting the Tomberlin property. There has
been no other activity on the other violations.
The public nuisance ordinance sample received from Justin was discussed. It is based on the City of Pequot Lakes ordinance.
The board will wait for feedback from the Planning Commission before acting on the suggested changes.
Dave talked about Road Issues. Ronnie Roscoe will get Dave a price on repairing the shoulders on 50th. Dave called Tim
Parker to trap beaver on 50th. Dave is still working on prices for a crack sealing machine. There has been no communication
from the county on the Jamie Markuson property cleanup. Greg will check with the county. Greg made a motion to purchase
letters to put the township name on the new maintenance truck at a cost of $65. Doug seconded, motion passed. Dave took
the truck to Tanners to have a recall issue fixed. The sweeper shaft broke. Dave is getting parts to fix it.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
Under communications a letter from the MN Department of Revenue listing the Equalization of Mines and Mineral Properties-2018
was reviewed. The clerk will be meeting with Doug Morris on May 29th to discuss the 2019 recycling budget. The township
added another recycling dumpster so the yearly cost is higher. All Crow Wing County city and township clerks have been requested
to attend an election training session. Greg made a motion to allow the clerk to attend the pre-election clerk's meeting
on May 24, 2018 at the courthouse. Doug seconded, motion passed.
Doug made a motion to approve the minutes as written from May 8, 2018. Greg seconded, motion passed.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.