Regular Meeting-May 8, 2018

Regular Meeting, Tuesday May 8, 2018 6:00 pm Crow Wing Town Hall

Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern, and Clerk Duane Ruona.

Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.

There were 26 gopher bounties from John Jansen.

Luke Wehesler from MnDOT was present to talk about the Business 371 reconstruction in 2022. The project starts at Joseph Street in Brainerd and ends at the interchange of Business 371 and TH 371. From Joseph Street to CR 153 will be reconstructed and from CR 153 to the interchange will be a mill and overlay. Intersections at CR 153 and CSAH 21 will be improved with left turn lanes as well as the right turn lanes. The current 3 entrances to Barrows were discussed. The question was raised if that could be cut down to one. Residents in attendance raised their concerns about reducing the number of entrances. They felt all were needed to service the amount of traffic with new homes and the BMX Track. Luke said they would look at adding left and right turn lanes at the Depot Street intersection.

Dale Bartel of 7969 Lone Oak Road was present to request a third driveway onto his property for access to a garage. Dale will be responsible to get a culvert and have it installed. Greg made a motion to approve the driveway request with the $50 permit fee, Doug seconded, motion passed.

Bruce & Marjorie Rakow were present to transfer five cemetery lots. The fee is $45 each for a total of $225.00.

Under unfinished business Town Hall Street was discussed. Residents present at the meeting requested that a Dead End sign be installed north of the BMX track. Concerns were raised about how the snow plowing was done this winter and how the cul-de-sac was not cleared and the school bus had to use a driveway to turn around. They also asked about installing a Curve sign and taking out the trees on the curve. Dave said he would install chevrons on the curve. The residents asked if the project will be done this year. Greg mentioned that a Road Committee made up of the three supervisors has been formed. The committee will meet on Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 6:00 PM at the town hall to form a plan to get the township roads repaired in a timely manner. Greg said that it might be possible to add Town Hall Street onto the CSAH 21 project being done by Crow Wing County. Doug made a motion to install a Dead End sign on Town Hall Street if Dave has one on hand. Greg seconded, motion passed.

A call was received from the United Way about the 2018 Operation Sandwich program. They are requesting the use of the township park on Monday - Thursday for a half hour each day this summer to hand out bag lunches to area children. Greg made a motion to approve the use of the township park for Operation Sandwich this summer. Doug seconded, motion passed.

The garbage dumpster in the town hall parking lot is for official township use only, but it is being used by county residents for their personal trash. Dave has found names and addresses of four individuals in the trash. The clerk was instructed to call the Sheriff Department and ask that these four people be contacted about the illegal use of the dumpster.

The Planning and Zoning Services Program Purchase of Service Agreement for the next three years was signed by the Chairman and will be forwarded to NJPA for their signature. Brad has received calls about speeding on Black Bear Circle. The resident called the Sheriff Department and a deputy came out but told the resident that because there was no speed limit sign posted he could not issue a speeding ticket to the individual. The clerk was instructed to call the Sheriff Department and ask if a speed limit sign needed to be posted to keep individuals from speeding down the cul-de-sac.

Buried cable policy/permits was discussed. A copy of the Crow Wing County Highway Department policy and fees was given to the supervisors. They will review the policy and make recommendations at the next meeting.

Cemetery plot prices were discussed. Doug believes the prices need to be adjusted to help cover costs associated with actual time involved in the process. Doug will check prices at other cemeteries and it will be discussed at the next meeting.

The Planning Commission will review violations at next Monday's meeting.

Treasurer's report and claims were reviewed and approved.

Dave presented the Road Report. He received a price from Tri-City for fixing the shoulders on 50th street. Material will cost $15 per yard not including silt fence installation. The estimated quantity is 17,000 yards. Because the total is over $100,000 the process would require sealed bids. It could be included as part of the overall road improvement program. An engineer might need to look at the road to better determine how much work needs to be done. High water is starting to erode the shoulders on Cook Road. The clerk was instructed to contact the DNR about the high water along Cook Road in the Cook Wildlife Management Area. Dave got prices from Brock White for a crack sealing machine: 2018 model is $47,000; 2017 is $37,000; to add a compressor the total is $70,000. Material costs $1,170 per pallet, there are 18-20 pallets per semi load which should be enough for all the township roads. Sealmaster prices are: 2018 model $57,295 with compressor; without is $49,500; Crack Pro machine is $41,900. The cost to rent a machine is $1,500 per week. There is a long list of people wanting to rent and if it rains during that week you don't get the cracks filled. This will be part of the Road Committee discussions.

Under communications the Minnesota Benefit Life Insurance renewal was discussed. Greg made a motion to keep the life insurance the same. Doug seconded, motion passed. A solicitation from attorneys Couri & Ruppe was reviewed and a letter from the Crow Wing Historical Society thanking the township for the donation was received.

Doug made a motion to adopt Resolution 2018-02, authorizing Dave Schultz to work with the roads for next year. Greg seconded, motion passed. Dave made a motion to adopt Resolution 2018-03, authorizing Doug Kern to work with the cemetery for next year. Greg seconded, motion passed.

Doug made a motion to approve the minutes as written from April 24, 2018. Dave seconded, motion passed.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:50 PM.

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