Regular Meeting, Wednesday April 24, 2018 5:30pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor
Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern, and Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at
5:40 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
The annual AWAIR safety meeting
occurred with the township recycling employees, planning commission members and town board members present. Greg shared
a review of the purpose of the workplace accident and injury reduction program with those present by reading aloud the important
points, details, & instructions pertaining to the employees. Topics such as workplace safety, hazardous materials, accident/injury
related information, etc. was covered. The board welcomed feedback & suggestions for improvement from those present.
The clerk will make sure that the required postings are in the shed. The AWAIR meeting adjourned at 5:55pm and a short break
was taken.
Cliff Sasker was present to have paperwork signed for the renewal of the North Central Speedway's beer license.
A motion to approve the 3.2 beer license for North Central Speedway was made by Doug, seconded by Dave. Motion passed. The
clerk signed the application. Under unfinished business, the Chad Jillson violation was discussed. Brad had comments
from Dan Hawley about civil enforcement or criminal prosecution options that are available to the township. If the township
got an award of costs under civil enforcement we could execute against pieces of property. The Sheriff will come pick them
up and auction them. Otherwise, criminal prosecution has the added remedies of Jail, probation etc. The only concern with
that route is that Chad might not view a misdemeanor prosecution as that concerning given his other problems at the moment.
Brad will take the issue back to the Planning Commission to get a current list and photos of the items that need to be addressed.
The Engholm property violation was discussed. Steve Engholm has been invited to upcoming town board and planning
commission meetings to talk about the next step. There have been no changes on the Tomberlin, Dillon, Neelan and Copa violations.
issues were discussed. Dave has an entrance permit for a new home on Black Bear Circle. Dave received information from CRAFCO
on a crack sealing machine. A new one costs $48,000 and adding a compressor increases the cost $20,000. They did have a year-old
used one available for $36,000. Dave will check prices with other vendors. Greg talked to Al Knowlen from Anderson Brothers
about Town Hall Road and he will give Greg an estimate on the road.
Under Reorganizational Items Dave made a motion
to elect Greg chairman. Doug seconded, motion passed. Greg made a motion to elect Doug vice-chairman. Dave seconded, motion
passed. Greg made a motion to appoint Doug to the Planning Commission and Cemetery, Dave to Roads and Fire Advisory Board.
Doug seconded, motion passed 2-1.
Greg made a motion to name town depositories as those with which we currently have
accounts: Crow Wing Power and Brainerd Savings and Loan. Dave seconded, motion passed.
Dave made a motion to continue
with the two designated posting sites (town hall as the official site and on the Crow Wing Township website). Greg seconded,
motion passed. Greg made a motion to approve the meeting schedule as printed and presented at the annual meeting. Doug seconded,
motion passed.
The following policies and fees were reviewed:
Buried cable permits were discussed and the clerk
will get a copy of Crow Wing County's policy and fees to be discussed at the next meeting.
Dave made a motion to set
the following: Beaver Bounty-$40 Gopher Bounty-$1.50 Use of Personal Equipment-$15 per hour, with a minimum of $15 Use
of Personal Skidsteer-$40 per hour, with a minimum of $40 Greg seconded, motion passed.
Dave made a motion to set
the following: AWAIR Meeting Rate-$25 Annual Meeting Moderator-$25 Cemetery Actuary-$25/per job Hourly Employment-$20
per hour Lawn Mowing, Handyman, Cleaning Person-$20 per hour Recycling Workers-$75 per Saturday (9am-12pm) Greg seconded,
motion passed.
Wages for township employees and committee members were reviewed. Dave made a motion to set the following: Supervisors-$65/month
and $100 per meeting Treasurer-$350/month and $100 per meeting Clerk-$900/month and $100 per meeting Planning Commission
Chair/Members-$60/$50 per meeting Greg seconded, motion passed.
Dave made a motion to set the Inspection Fee for
P&Z Violations at $50 for each Planning Commission member present at the inspection. Greg seconded, motion passed.
made a motion to pay Election Judges-$15 per hour for head judge; $13 per hour for other judges (includes township employees).
Dave seconded, motion passed.
Greg made a motion to set the following: Notary Stamp-free at meetings. Title Searches-free
unless by mail then $25 fee will be charged. Entry Permits-$50. Photocopies-first 10 free, $0.25 per page thereafter. Town
Hall and Park Rental & Deposit-$30 resident, $60 non-resident; deposit $250 Doug seconded, motion passed.
of Cemetery Plots was discussed. It was suggested that non-residents of the township should pay more than the current $500.
Dave made a motion to charge non-residents $1,000 for cemetery plots. Motion died for lack of a second. Doug stated he would
like to get more information on what other cemeteries in the area are charging. After much discussion, the subject was tabled
until the next meeting.
Under communications, the annual list of officers from MAT and the Crow Wing County Officer
list were reviewed and the clerk was instructed to send in updated lists.
Greg brought up the question of putting together
a committee to do a 5-year road plan. Brad said that a record of when roads were rebuilt and when maintenance was done on
each road would be a good idea and a plan with estimated costs for road improvements is needed. Dave said he would like to
pay for road improvements as we go rather than bonding for road improvements. Traffic has increased over the years and new
houses are being built every year which increases traffic also. Doug thought the supervisors should have special meetings
to just discuss roads and come up with a plan for road improvements. Individuals that work on roads could be invited to the
meetings to gain their perspective on the issue.
Under announcements the Board of Appeal and Equalization will meet
on Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 10 AM at the town hall. The Annual Road Tour will start at the town hall at 1 PM on Friday,
April 27, 2018.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
Doug made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected from
April 11, 2018. Greg seconded, motion passed.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.