Regular Meeting, Wednesday April 11, 2018 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor
Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to
the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
Chad Knudson from Wild Rice Depot was present for their
liquor license renewal. A motion to approve the liquor license for Wild Rice Liquors was made by Greg, seconded by Dave.
Motion passed.
Under new business the Annual Meeting Donation requests were discussed. Dave made a motion to deny
all donation requests because of the question of the requests meeting the requirements under state statute. Motion died for
lack of a second. Greg made a motion to approve donations to LAPS for $1,000; Crisis Line for $250; CWC Fair for $1,000 to
be used for the floor in the Youth Arts Building; and CWC Historical Society for $250. Doug seconded. Dave said he feels
that people can personally donate to these entities but the township shouldn't donate levy dollars. Motion passed 2-1.
2018-2020 Road Maintenance Contract was discussed. It was suggested that the contractor completely plow snow on the heavily
trafficked roads first instead of doing one lane to the end of the route and then doing the other lane back to where he started.
It was also noted that the first snowfalls were not plowed out to the shoulder and later snowfalls could not be pushed out
very far so the roads were narrow. The roads were scraped well and there was not much packed snow left on the roads. Brad
questioned item #15 about Prevailing Wage. The MAT attorney will be contacted to see if it is required. Dave made a motion
to advertise the contract with the MAT attorney's recommendation. Doug seconded, motion passed. The clerk is directed to
handle the request for bids as in the past. Greg made a motion to change the title of Exhibit A to "MINIMUM NEW ROAD
CONSTRUCTION FOR CROW WING TOWNSHIP". Dave seconded, motion passed.
Under unfinished business, the letter from
Joseph Klein signed by 24 residents about the condition of Town Hall Street was discussed. Joseph Klein was in attendance
and said trees on the 90 degree corner near the Mississippi River impair the line of sight and should be removed, the road
is not wide enough for 2 cars to meet and when school buses and garbage trucks come down the street, cars need to move to
the shoulder. The cul-de-sac at the end of the road is not big enough for the school bus to turn around. New road standards
are 24 feet wide for the driving surface. Existing roads are typically 20 or 22 feet wide. Other roads that are in bad shape
include Gorron Road and Sweet Road. Brad stated that the amount of traffic is increasing and with the number of school buses
and different garbage haulers useing the same roads each week the roads are wearing out faster. Greg will call Anderson Brothers
to see if they will give us an estimate on the cost to reconstruct Town Hall Road. Dave thinks it will cost $150,000 per
It was decided that the road tour will take place at 1 PM on Friday, April 27th beginning at the town hall.
A notice will be posted at the town hall and Wild Rice Depot.
Under unfinished business, the Chad Jillson violation
was discussed. Dan Hawley still has the civil violations on hold. Dave drove back behind Chad's property and talked to Chad
about getting his things off the neighbor's property. Dave invited Chad to tonight's meeting but Chad was not in attendance.
Brad will talk to Dan Hawley about proceeding with prosecution. The Engholm property violation was discussed. The property
is still for sale. The clerk was instructed to send a letter to Steve Engholm inviting him to the next town board meeting
to talk about the next step. There has been no change on the Tomberlin violation. Dave Peterson has had the property line
with Dale Dillon surveyed. The fence at Josh Neelan's property is falling down. There is no change at the Copa property.
The Lonnie Martin property has shown no improvement.
The Planning Commission report was given by Brad. An annual cleanup
was discussed. Surplus grant money might be available from NJPA. Brad will ask Justin about that.
Treasurer's report
and claims were reviewed and approved. Sue attended the Department of Revenue meeting at CLC. Questions about who gets 1099's
were cleared up. Income tax withholding deposits reports etc. were discussed at the meeting. The W-4 form has been changed.
Unemployment insurance was discussed. The township has to pay unemployment benefits. The clerk was directed to hold
donation checks until a signed Health Services contract is received from the affected organizations.
The clerk was
instructed to send a letter to Troy Jordan, property owner east of the Town Hall, telling him to stop driving through the
town hall parking lot. The tractor-trailer is causing damage to the property.
Dave gave the road report. Dave put
sides on the new truck bed and bought a tray to put in the back of the cab. Dave plowed snow to widen out the roads. The
new plow worked well. A sign is broken off on Sophies Way off of Sweet Road. Dave will talk to Tri-City about the ditch
work and culverts on 50th when everything gets thawed out. Cracks are getting bad down the center of 50th and Wetherbee.
Dave will research the price of a crackfilling machine. Patch material hardens on the truck if the temperature is below
70 degrees. Dave will get a price on Class 1 from Tri-City.
Under communications, a notice was received from Crow
Wing Power about vegetation management under their lines. Historical society dinner/fundraiser. Crow Wing County Highway
Department construction schedule. The Crow Wing County Township Officers meeting is on April 23, 2018 at the Ideal Town Hall.
made a motion to approve the minutes as written from March 27, 2018. Doug seconded, motion passed.
Meeting was adjourned
at 8:25 PM.