Regular Meeting March 27, 2018 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Doug
Kern, Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
were no gopher bounties.
Pat Pikar was in attendance and addressed the audience. He will be running for county sheriff
this year. He provided an overview of his vision for the future of Crow Wing County Sheriff Department and answered questions
from the audience.
Under new business, a letter from Joseph Klein signed by 24 residents about the condition of Town
Hall Street was discussed. There were 9 residents of Town Hall Street in attendance and they voiced their concerns about
the condition of the road. Trees on the 90 degree corner near the Mississippi River impair the line of sight and should be
removed. The road is not wide enough for 2 cars to meet and when school buses and garbage trucks come down the street, cars
need to move to the shoulder. The shoulders are very narrow and need to be widened. People walk along the road and that
is a safety issue. The cul-de-sac at the end of the road is not big enough for the school bus to turn around. There is no
other way out for the residents and when there was the fire in 2001 some residents were very worried of getting trapped.
The residents want something done this year. They don't believe the cracks should be filled this year because it is a waste
of time. There are potholes that need to be filled. The issue will be discussed at the next town board meeting.
Fischer asked about what the township can do about abandoned homes and junk accumulating on property. The township issues
land use permits only. They are not involved in regulating buildings. The township is working with an attorney to get things
cleaned up. The process takes time and money to complete.
Under unfinished business, there has been no new information
on the Jillson, Engholm, Tomberlin, Dillon, Neelan and Copa violations. Brad said that there was a call received about a
house being built without a permit. It might be a remodeling project and not a new house. The planning commission will look
into the issue.
Under road issues Brad said the township needs a road improvement plan. The number of roads that need
to be fixed exceeds the amount of money being set aside for road improvements. Maybe the township will need to borrow money
to get all the roads fixed that need improvement. Dan Lee brought up that there is a frozen culvert in the driveway across
from the Dale Halonen residence at 7531 Wetherbee Road. The water is backing up and is starting to erode the road and shoulders.
The clerk was instructed to call Jeremy Fyle to get the culvert opened up. The road maintenance contract with Northland Construction
will expire on May 31, 2018. The Board will review the contract at the next meeting and set the time for bids to be received
for the next two years.
One of the instructors at the Spring Short Course mentioned that the Town Clerk and Town Treasurer
should be paid their regular hourly rate when serving as election judges. After discussion she said her town board agreed
to pay her the regular hourly rate instead of the election judge rate. This will be discussed during the Reorganizational
Meeting on April 24, 2018. Greg made a motion to have the annual AWAIR training and combined Town Board/Planning Commission
meeting on April 24, 2018. Doug seconded, motion passed.
Under Administrative Business the clerk will be unable to
attend the April 11, 2018 town board meeting. Greg made a motion to have the clerk sign payroll and disbursement checks before
the meeting due to the fact that three signatures are required on each check. Doug seconded, motion passed. The Treasurer
has agreed to take notes of the meeting.
Under communications, the 2018 Fire Service Assessment was reviewed. The
amount due by December 31, 2018 is $50,602.47 and the 2019 amount will be $52,342.22.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
made a motion to approve the minutes as written from March 6, 2018. Greg seconded, motion passed.
Meeting was adjourned
at 7:40 PM.