Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting March 12, 2018 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair),
Dan Lee, Linda Schuety, Paul Stephany, Justin Burslie (Planning & Zoning Administrator), Greg Smith (Township Supervisor),
Duane Ruona (Town Clerk).
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
made a motion to accept the minutes of the January 8, 2018 meeting as written. Seconded by Paul. Motion passed.
activity from 2007 through 2017 was discussed. 42 permits were issued in 2007 and the number dropped to a low of 21 in 2010
and increased after that. The average number pf permits over the 11 years is 29. In 2010 there were 803 residences in the
township and the population was 1,966. The current agreement with NJPA needs to be renewed. Justin will start the process.
The Peterson rezoning application 17-4556 to rezone a 2.5 acre tract from Rural Residential 2.5 to Residential was discussed.
The Town Board denied the request based on the facts that the original plat was 2.5 acre parcels and people purchased properties
based on that fact. Changing the zoning to smaller parcels was not considered consistent with the previous zoning.
John Dano property across Canary Street from Martin Copa was discussed. There is an accumulation of items on the property
and it needs to be monitored. Ordinance amendments were discussed. Brad asked Justin to send out the updated ordinance to
the commission members. Justin will get the updates done. Brad talked about the meeting on February 5, 2018 with attorney
Dan Hawley concerning the Chad Jillson violation. Mr. Jillson has been incarcerated for another incident and Mr. Hawley recommended
waiting on any further action by the township against Mr. Jillson until the current legal situation is resolved. Brad will
contact the neighboring property owners to update them about the situation.
Brad asked if there were any concerns
by the commission that should be brought to the annual meeting. Brad asked Justin to send him the current permit fee schedule.
Brad asked Justin about the records retention process that is being used. Justin will copy all information onto a thumb
drive that can be stored at the town hall.
Dan asked if the commission had any information on Trax Auto, 7884 Joshua
Lane. It was a boat storage business previously so was zoned Commercial Preferred and an auto repair business is allowed
under the ordinance. Justin has had calls from an individual complaining about trucks using Jake Brakes when they come off
TH 371 and on are slowing down to the 40 mph zone. The township has no noise ordinance and Justin has contacted MNDOT about
the issue.
Linda made a motion to adjourn, Dan seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:15 PM.