Regular Meeting February 27, 2018 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor
Doug Kern, Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
were no gopher bounties.
Under new business, Brad stated that the question about a building permit for a garage at
6670 Brandon Way was answered by Justin. The permit was taken out under a property ID instead of the street address. Also
the question of mailboxes installed on township roads was discussed. Crow Wing County has a policy about mailbox installation
with swing-away posts. Brad said that the township has discussed the issue in the past and the swing-away posts were the
preferred type to be installed at the owner's expense, but this was not a requirement. The mailbox that was backed into by
the snowplow will be repaired by Northland Excavating.
Doug is working on creating a spreadsheet for Oak Land Cemetery
that matches the paper copies contained in the binders he received from Mark. He has had questions about lot ownership and
burial sites and a spreadsheet will help speed up the process. Brad noted that it would help if there were markers in the
ground at each lot. Randy stated that there are markers on some lots with others having multiple markers.
There has
been no new information on the Jillson, Engholm, Tomberlin, Dillon and Copa violations. The Neelan vehicle that was parked
in the right-of-way has been moved. There has been no response to the second letter sent to Lonette Martin at 6876 Wels Avenue
about the items in the right-of-way.
The new maintenance truck was received on February 16th and license plates will
be coming from the dealership. Under communications, a notice was received about the Crow Wing County Townships Association
annual meeting on April 23, 2018 at the Ideal Town Hall. The Minnesota Association of Townships 2018 Spring Short Courses
will take place in Breezy Point on March 26, 2018. The Minnesota Association of Townships Town Law Review will take place
on April 19, 2018 in Burnsville. A notice was received from Crow Wing County Land Services about revisions being considered
to the All-Terrain Vehicle Ordinance. Brad said that the intent was to clarify where class 1 and class 2 vehicles are allowed
to ride in different areas of the county.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
The Annual Meeting Agenda was
reviewed and discussed. Doug made a motion to approve the 2018 Annual Meeting Agenda. Greg seconded, motion passed.
made a motion to approve the minutes as written from February 13, 2018. Doug seconded, motion passed.
Meeting was
adjourned at 6:50 PM.