Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting January 8, 2018 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold
(Chair), Dan Lee, Paul Stephany, Justin Burslie (Planning & Zoning Administrator), Greg Smith (Township Supervisor), Duane
Ruona (Town Clerk). Linda Schuety was absent.
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag
was recited.
The first item of business was to elect a Chair Person and Vice-chair Person for 2018. Dan Lee nominated
Brad for Chair and Paul Stephany seconded the motion. There were no other nominations and the motion passed. Brad Arnold
nominated Dan Lee for Vice-chair Person and Paul Stephany seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations and the
motion passed.
The public hearing for rezoning application 17-4556 to rezone a 2.5 acre tract from Rural Residential
2.5 to Residential was held. Brad advised the audience that the Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the Town Board
which will ultimately approve or deny the application. All properties within ½ mile of the property were notified. Justin
read the staff findings. David Peterson from DK Investments LLC was present to answer any questions.
Staff Findings:
Staff offers the following findings for consideration by the Planning Commission: 1. The subject property is legally described
as: Lot 9 Block 1 of St. Onge Estates. Sec 10 Township 44 Range 31. PIN 561260010090009. 2. The subject property is 2.5
acres and does not contain any structures. 3. The property is accessed via Barrows Avenue (public road). 4. The subject
property is suitable for development in general conformance with the Residential land use district. 5. The reclassification
is warranted due to a need for additional property in the proposed land use district. 6. The reclassification will not
impact the health, safety, and general welfare of the public. 7. The property meets the minimum lot requirements of the
Residential land use district. 8. The rezoning of the property will not create any non-conforming structures. 9. The
subject property is adjacent to property zoned Rural Residential 2.5 property (north, west and east) and Residential (south). 10.
Rezoning of the property is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan as the future land use map identifies the subject property
as Rural Urban Transition.
Staff Recommendation: The proposed reclassification is consistent with the minimum standards
of the land use ordinance and the comprehensive plan. Staff recommends the application be approved.
Public comments
were received. Dave stated his intention to build a multi-family rental building on this lot. He is not planning to split
the property. Rezoning is required to build multi-family dwellings. He plans to build five units at approximately 480 square
feet each. This application is for the land use change only. Any construction in the future would be required to follow
the permit process. Orrin Peterson of 5870 Barrows Avenue, Amanda Boyd of 7114 Barrows Avenue, Lawrence Johnson of 10164
Town Hall Street, Carol Wermter of 7105 Barrows Avenue, Chris Kelm of 6907 Barrows Avenue, Jason Hardy of 7221 Barrows Avenue
and Richard Burton of 7801 Lone Oak had comments. Comments included concerns about increased traffic. It was stated that
people speed down Barrows Avenue and this would add to the problem. Greg stated that the Sheriff's Office needs to be called
or the Town Board notified when this is observed. Possible sale of the property in the future with the new owner splitting
the property was discussed. That would also need to go through the permit process. Concerns about renters versus property
owners was discussed. Dave Peterson stated that he owns 10 lots in this area. Four have twin homes and another is under
construction. One single family home is built and another is under construction. This lot and two others are vacant. Justin
read the nine written comments that were received. All were against the rezoning with most against having more rental property
in the neighborhood. Justin reviewed the covenants on the property and stated that there was nothing included regarding rental
units. Motion by Dan, seconded by Paul that the rezoning application 17-4556 to rezone a 2.5 acre tract from Rural
Residential 2.5 to Residential be recommended for approval by the Town Board based on the 10 findings of fact. Motion passed.
were no additions or deletions to the agenda or open forum topics.
Dan made a motion to accept the minutes of the
December 11, 2017 meeting as written. Seconded by Paul. Motion passed.
Brad received a message about the Wade Tomberlin
property cleanup. Brad advised the people that it is still in process and an inspection will be done in the spring. The
attorney is still working on the Chad Jillson violation.
The Planning & Zoning Administrator's report had no new
The Planning and Zoning Services Agreement with NJPA, which expires on March 3, 2018, will be renewed at
the rate of $50 per hour as needed.
Dan made a motion to adjourn, Paul seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM.