Regular Meeting January 9, 2018 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor
Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern, Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00
PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
Brad spoke about rezoning application
17-4556 to rezone a 2.5 acre tract from Rural Residential 2.5 to Residential. All properties within ½ mile of the property
were notified. The application was discussed at the Planning Commission meeting on January 8, 2018. Written comments about
the rezoning were received. David Peterson from DK Investments LLC was present to answer questions.
Dave stated his
intention to build a multi-family rental property on this lot. Currently he is not planning to split the property. Rezoning
to Residential is required to build multi-family dwellings. He plans to build one building with five one-bedroom one-bath
units at approximately 480 square feet each. This application is for the land use change only. A building permit would be
required before anything is built.
Staff Findings: Staff offers the following findings of fact for consideration by
the Planning Commission: 1. The subject property is legally described as: Lot 9 Block 1 of St. Onge Estates. Sec 10 Township
44 Range 31. PIN 561260010090009. 2. The subject property is 2.5 acres and does not contain any structures. 3. The property
is accessed via Barrows Avenue (public road). 4. The subject property is suitable for development in general conformance
with the "Residential" land use district. 5. The reclassification is warranted due a need for additional property
in the proposed land use district. 6. The reclassification will not impact the health, safety, and general welfare of the
public. 7. The property meets the minimum lot requirements of the "Residential" land use district. 8. The
rezoning of the property will not create any non-conforming structures. 9. The subject property is adjacent to property
zoned "Rural Residential 2.5" property (north, west and east) and "Residential" (south). 10. Rezoning
of the property is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan as the future land use map identifies the subject property as
"Rural Urban Transition."
The Planning Commission recommended approval on the land use application. Tammy
and Jason Hardy of 7221 Barrows Avenue were present to have their concerns heard. The change would result in more traffic
and renters are not the same as property owners. Richard Burton of 7801 Lone Oak Road commented on the original intent of
the development. It was approved by Crow Wing County before the township took over planning and zoning. The covenants listed
for the development do not prohibit rental units. A conditional use permit could be required if the zoning is changed to
Residential. After discussion about adjoining properties possibly requesting the same rezoning and the increased traffic
affecting township roads, Doug made a motion to table the application to get more information. Greg seconded. Motion passed
Dave Peterson owns a lot north of the Dale Dillon property. There are vehicles on the property that are in violation
of the planning and zoning ordinance. The vehicles do not belong to Mr. Peterson. Dave made a motion to have the clerk send
a letter to Dave Peterson, with a copy to Dale Dillon, giving him 30 days to remove items in violation. Greg seconded, motion
The Engholm property was discussed. The property is still for sale. There has been no contact with the board
about the property. The Board reviewed a letter from township attorney Dan Hawley giving Chad Jillson 14 days to remove the
mobile home on his property that is in violation of the planning and zoning ordinance. The clerk was directed to contact
township attorney Dan Hawley and ask him to proceed with civil or criminal prosecution as needed. Doug made a motion that
any attorney letters concerning action on township matters be reviewed by the Town Board before being sent out. Greg seconded,
motion passed.
The State of Minnesota requires that every township designate its local polling place annually.
Greg made a motion to designate the Crow Wing Town Hall at 6930 Cuyuna Avenue, Brainerd MN as the Crow Wing Township polling
place. Seconded by Doug, motion passed.
Public Comments. Brad has received complaints about snow plowing being too
far away from mailboxes. Other comments were that it takes too long to plow their road and it takes too long to get the roads
plowed. Dave will talk to Brad Gorron about plowing closer to the mailboxes.
The Treasurer's report and claims were
reviewed and approved.
Dave presented the road report. The new township truck should be delivered the week of January
22, 2018. The old township truck was sold for $4,550 at Central Minnesota Dealer Auction. The township will receive $4,400
after the auction costs are paid. Vehicles are parked in the right-of-way at 110th Street and Greenwood Street. Josh Neelan
has a vehicle in the right-of-way. The property at 6670 Brandon Way is accumulating items in violation of the township ordinance.
Greg made a motion to send a letter to the property owner informing them they are in violation. Seconded by Doug, motion
A vehicle was parked in the right-of-way at 6398 Estate Drive. A street sign that was hit at Sweet Road and
Sophies Way needs to be repaired. Dave picked up 17 bags of leaves on 50th Avenue. Tri-City repaired the MNCOMM damage on
Wetherbee Road and Dave will bill $1,612.50 to Century Link and MNCOMM.
The School Bond Referendum voting is on Tuesday,
April 10, 2018 and the state Primary Election is Tuesday, August 14, 2018. Both would be normal Town Board meeting dates.
The board agreed to change both meetings to the following Wednesday, April 11, 2018 and August 15, 2018.
The Crow Wing
Township 2017 Incidents report from the Brainerd Fire Department was reviewed. A second letter will be sent to the individual
involved in the July 24, 2017 motor vehicle accident. The contract for election services from Crow Wing County was signed.
The Affidavit of Candidacy forms for Doug Kern and Duane Ruona were filed. The 2019 Budget/Levy will be discussed at the
next meeting.
A letter from MATIT regarding changes to current coverages and deductibles was reviewed. After discussion,
Greg made a motion to approve Resolution #2018-02 Approving Replacement Cost Coverage for township buildings. Doug seconded,
motion passed. Greg made a motion to approve Resolution #2018-03 Approving an Increased Property & Casualty Deductible
from the standard $250 to $1,000. Doug seconded, motion passed.
A letter from the US Census Bureau concerning a
report of building permits issued for privately-owned housing units was reviewed. The clerk will contact Justin about filling
out the report.
Doug made a motion to approve the minutes as written from December 12, 2017. Greg seconded, motion
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.