Regular Meeting December 12, 2017 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor
Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern, Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00
PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
New Business. Dave made a motion
to contract with Crow Wing County for the March 13, 2018 election services for $300. Doug seconded, motion passed.
discussion, Greg made a motion to allow the use of the Town Hall for the School Bond Election on April 10, 2018, with all
expenses paid by the school district including a $60 stipend for using the building. Doug seconded, motion passed.
was brought to the attention of the board that there is profanity written on a building facing Wetherbee Road at 6161 Estate
Circle Drive. The clerk was directed to send a letter to the property owner. Dave has received an invoice from Nelson Auto
Center for the new township truck. After discussion, Greg made a motion to have Nelson Auto Center get the license and registration
for the truck, Doug seconded, motion passed. Greg made a motion to print the check for Nelson Auto Center in the amount of
$44,939.36 so Dave can pick up the truck when it is available. Dave seconded, motion passed.
Under unfinished business,
the Chad Jillson violation was discussed. Mr. Jillson was invited to attend either the Planning Commission meeting or the
Town Board meeting but did not attend either. Dave has visited the property and there are more trailers and vehicles being
stored on the neighboring property. Dave has also received calls from three adjoining property owners complaining about the
items being stored on their property and access to property being blocked by items owned by Mr. Jillson. The trailer house
in violation is being used for temporary storage of building materials. The Planning Commission recommended that the trailer
home be removed; items on property lines need to be removed; junk and debris needs to be removed; unlicensed vehicles need
to be removed; and all right-of-ways need to be clear. The clerk was directed to contact township attorney Dan Hawley and
ask him to proceed with civil or criminal prosecution as needed.
Wade Tomberlin was present to discuss the progress
on the cleanup of his property. One large roll-off has been filled with over 4,400 pounds of scrap so far. 37 tires and
some wheels have been removed. Mr. Tomberlin will get another dumpster to fill, remove two more vehicles, and continue working
on the property cleanup. A site visit by Planning Commission members will be conducted next spring. There has been no
communication about the Engholm, Dillon, Neelan, and Copa violations.
Under public comments, a question was asked
about the Big Woods building on Business 371. It appears that there has been a large amount of items brought onto the property.
the Planning Commission Report, Brad reported the Planning and Zoning Services Agreement with NJPA was discussed. The contract
expires on March 3, 2018 and the Planning Commission recommends it be renewed for another three years with the only change
being the rate of $50 per hour with monthly hours as needed on Schedule A, Cost and Delivery of Services. After discussion,
Dave made a motion to renew the Planning and Zoning Services Agreement with NJPA for another three years when the current
agreement expires with services as needed at $50 per hour. Greg seconded, motion passed.
Brad also reported that the
Planning Commission recommended that the Town Board purchase 2017 Plat Books from Crow Wing County for the Planning Commission
members. After discussion, Greg made a motion to have the clerk purchase five 2017 Plat Books for the township. Dave seconded,
motion passed.
The Treasurer's report and claims were reviewed and approved. The clerk was directed to ask for more
detailed billing information on the Gammello-Pearson bill.
Road Report. Dave reported that someone is bringing items
onto the vacant lot across from the Copa property. There are rocks in the right-of-way along the driveway at 11293 Town Hall
Road. The clerk was directed to send a letter to the property owner. Josh Neelan is parking on the right-of-way again and
has accumulated more items on his property. Greg made a motion to pay Glen Wetherbee $40 for a beaver he trapped along Wetherbee
Road. Dave seconded, motion passed. Tim Parker will trap muskrats on Cook Road. Dave is waiting for Tri City Paving to
meet him on 50th to get a price for adding fill to the shoulders.
Dave will try to sell the old township truck at Central
Minnesota Dealer Auction. A minimum amount the township will accept will be placed on the sale.
Doug made a motion
to approve the minutes as corrected from November 28, 2017. Greg seconded, motion passed.
Meeting was adjourned at
8:15 PM.