Crow Wing Township Planning Commission Meeting December 11, 2017 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold
(Chair), Dan Lee, Linda Schuety, Paul Stephany, Justin Burslie (Planning & Zoning Administrator), Greg Smith (Township
Supervisor), Duane Ruona (Town Clerk)
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
were no public hearings.
Additions or deletions to the agenda and open forum topics. Greg brought up the township
attorney comments from the town board meeting should be shared. Linda asked that the Tomberlin visit from September be discussed.
Brad added the NJPA Contract renewal to new business.
Dan made a motion to accept the minutes of the November 13, 2017
meeting as written. Seconded by Linda. Motion passed.
New business. The Chad Jillson violation was discussed. There
have been more concerns from neighbors who have talked to Dave Schultz. Brad has talked to Mike Sullivan about the items
that are accumulating and overflowing onto the neighbor's property. The cell tower owners are concerned about access to
their property because of items blocking the easement. The trailer home being used for storage of lumber was supposed to
be removed over a year ago. Mr. Jillson has been crossing other's property to access his stuff and has not been cooperating
with the township about cleaning up the property. The Sheriff's Department has been out because of complaints. Chad attended
the November 14, 2017 Town Board meeting and township attorney Dan Hawley was also present at that meeting. Mr. Hawley recommended
that Chad be notified of civil and criminal action that is available to the township and move forward with the process.
Any expenses incurred will be assessed to the property. The Planning Commission recommended that the Town Board have the
township attorney pursue the matter as a criminal violation of the Township's Ordinance, or to enforce the Ordinance through
a civil suit in Crow Wing County District Court.
The Wade Tomberlin property was visited on Sept 26, 2017 at 4 PM
by Brad Arnold and Dan Lee. A large recycling dumpster was on the property and it appeared that items were being cleaned
up. Wade came to the October 10, 2017 Town Board meeting. He provided vehicle titles and proof of garbage pickup. He was
given a detailed list of items that needed to be cleaned up. Progress has been made and another visit will be scheduled in
the spring.
The Planning and Zoning Services Agreement with NJPA, which expires on March 3, 2018, was discussed. A
copy of the contract was sent to the individual requesting it under the Data Practices Act, even though the township is exempt
from the Act. The Planning Commission recommended that the Town Board renew the contract with NJPA. The 2017 edition of
the Crow Wing County Plat Book is available. The Planning Commission members would like a copy if the Town Board will purchase
them. Brad asked Justin to continue to let all Planning Commission members know about any training opportunities that come
Temporary Accessory Structures were discussed. According to the Township Ordinance, the only temporary structure
is one that is up less than 14 days in a calendar year. All other structures over 160 square feet need a permit.
Planning & Zoning Administrator's report was reviewed. The 2017 permit list now includes the address of the property
affected. Over the past 11 years there have been an average of 30 Land Use Permits annually.
The plat of Oak Ridge
South, Second Addition was approved by the Town Board at their November 14, 2017 meeting. The Development Agreement was also
approved and will be recorded when all signatures are obtained. The drainage issues on Ravenswood will also be addressed
next spring.
Dan made a motion to adjourn, Linda seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.