Regular Meeting October 24, 2017 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Tom Muehlbauer presented 31 pair of feet as gopher bounties. That were already paid for by mistake on August 8, 2017 when
the 29 pair were paid as 58 pair.
The letter from Stacey Wolpert was discussed. She has planted lilac trees that are three feet in the right-of-way. After
discussion it was determined that the trees need to be moved. A letter will be sent to Ms. Wolpert informing her the trees
need to be moved by next spring.
Certifying the outstanding administrative fees to the property taxes was discussed. Greg made a motion to certify the
administrative fees and place them on the property taxes, seconded by Doug, motion passed.
George Burton, 7801 Lone Oak Road; Brenden Donahue, 7380 Burr Lane; and Jeff Brummer, 7450 Burr Lane were present to discuss
surface water problems on Ravenswood and Burr Lane. Beth from Crow Wing Soil & Water was out to look at it with George.
A recommendation was made to survey the area to determine elevations and install the right size culvert to drain the water
across Ravenswood. Drainage Law was discussed in the latest copy of the Township Insider magazine that contradicts information
received from the MAT attorney. Greg will go to the county and ask them to fix the problem because they approved the plat.
Current properties in violation of the Planning & Zoning Ordinance were discussed. The Engholm property is still
listed for sale with a realtor. There has been no new information on the Chad Jillson violation. The attorney has requested
a phone number for Mr. Jillson. The Dale Dillon, Josh Neelan and Martin Copa property violations were discussed. There
have been no changes.
The Craig Road water issue was discussed with Tom Muehlbauer. Water drains towards the north from the neighboring property,
crossing the Koehnen property and is flooding his house. Greg will bring up the question of creating a permit to run water
into a road ditch at the next Planning Commission meeting.
Under Public Comments the question of tree clearing by the car auction on Business 371 was brought up. No one present
was aware of permits issued for that property.
Road issues were discussed. Greg made a motion to have Tri City Paving patch the area damaged by MNCOMM on Wetherbee
Road at the same time they patch the muskrat damage on 50th. Doug seconded, motion passed. Elite fixed the areas that were
damaged when they were plowing in cable. The playground equipment has been fixed. Glen Wetherbee trapped four beaver and
cleaned out the culvert on Wetherbee Road. Greg made a motion to pay Glen $160.00 for the four beaver. Doug seconded, motion
passed. The message received about no curve sign on Town Hall was discussed. It was decided not to install the requested
Replacement of the township truck was discussed. The quote from Nelson Auto Center in Fergus Falls for a Ram 3500 is
$43,869.36 outfitted similar to the current one. A pintle plate and hitch would add $230 to the cost of the truck. Greg
made a motion to purchase the Ram 3500 with snow plow and equipment from Nelson Auto Center not to exceed $44,500.00. Dave
seconded, motion passed. There was discussion about having a shelter at Dave's house to park the truck under. During the
past two months, Dave has used a truck 12 times each month. If it was parked at the town hall, it would have cost $350.00
per month for Dave to drive here from home. One option is from Menards for under $1,000 and one from Camping World is $940.
Correspondence was reviewed. MnDOT mapping request was reviewed. A CenterPoint Energy rate increase letter was reviewed.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
An unemployment claim that was received was reviewed. After much discussion, Dave made a motion to have the clerk call
the MN Department of Employment and Economic Development to clarify why the township must pay the Benefits Paid Charges.
Doug seconded, motion passed.
Doug made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected from September 26, 2017 and October 10, 2017. Dave seconded, motion
Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.