Regular Meeting September 26, 2017 6:00 PM Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
Tom Feierabend was in attendance to discuss the preliminary plat of Oak Ridge South Second Addition. The Developer's
Agreement was discussed. The road will need a stop sign that the developer will need to pay for. The road will be paved
next spring. Tom is increasing the water holding area above the engineer's plan. The completed plat application will need
to be presented to the Planning Commission before the Town Board will review it for approval.
Resolution No. 2017-02 Authorizing Contract with Interested Officer was reviewed. Supervisor Doug Kern will perform cemetery
work for the township. Greg made a motion to adopt Resolution 2017-02 authorizing Doug Kern to perform cemetery work for
the township. Dave seconded, motion passed.
Resolution No. 2017-03 Corrective Order Vacating Town Roads was reviewed. The resolution corrects Crow Wing Township
Resolution 2006-2 and Crow Wing County Document #708654 recorded May 5, 2006 by adding the plat name to each of the roads/alleys
named in the original resolution. Dave made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2017-03, Doug seconded, motion passed.
Brad Arnold was present to discuss current properties in violation of the Planning & Zoning Ordinance. The Engholm
property has been listed with a realtor. The question of the possibility of rezoning the property for commercial use was discussed.
That would have to be requested by the new owner after sale of the property. There has been no new information on the Chad
Jillson violation. The clerk will contact the attorney for a progress report. Dale Dillon, Josh Neelan and Martin Copa property
violations were discussed. There have been no changes.
The Wade Tomberlin property was visited by Brad and Dan Lee on September 26, 2017. Wade is to come to the next board
meeting with the items that are completed. The fence is nearly completed, there is a shed that needs to be removed, titles
for vehicles on the property need to be provided, tires need to be removed, proof of regular trash pickup needs to be provided,
and the outhouse permit needs to be provided.
Under public comments it was mentioned that the gravediggers rutted up the ground at the cemetery. Doug will check with
the funeral home to see who dug the grave.
Road issues were discussed. There have been trees planted in the right-of-way at 7489 Stone Ridge. A letter will be
sent to the property owner. Dave talked to Randy Perlinger about the township truck. He thought it may need a $1,800 wiring
harness at the transmission. Mills GM thinks it needs a new fuel injector pump for $2,400. The fuel lines are also leaking
and it will take 8 hours labor plus parts to repair. That is a total of approximately $6,000 to repair it. Dave did find
a used 2008 truck with 122,000 miles for $20,000. Dave received quotes from Nelson Auto Center in Fergus Falls for a new
truck. The cost is about $43,000 outfitted similar to the current one. Greg asked if the current snow plow could be used
on the new truck. Dave will check on that and also ask Nelson Auto Center for a trade-in value on the old truck.
MNCOMM repairs to the damaged culvert and shoulders on Wetherbee Road was discussed. Dave said they rented a shouldering
machine and tried to fix the shoulders, but there are still areas of concern. It was decided that all three supervisors would
meet at Dave's house on Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 5:00 PM to review the damaged roads.
Correspondence was reviewed. A notice was received from Crow Wing County regarding Classification to Non-Conservation
and Future Sale of Tax Forfeited Lands on two properties in Barrows. The township must approve or disapprove the classification
and intended sale before the county can proceed. Greg made a motion to approve the classification, Dave seconded, motion
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
Greg made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected from September 12, 2017. Doug seconded, motion passed.
Meeting was recessed at 7:45 PM and will be continued on Tuesday, October 3, 2017 at 5:00 PM at 5311 Gorron Road, Brainerd,
The regular meeting of September 26, 2017 of the town board was reconvened on Tuesday, October 3, 2017 to look at the
damage on Wetherbee road caused by the cable installation in the right-of-way. The road has ruts in it and Dave will get
a quote from Anderson Brothers for repairs. Meeting was adjorned.