Regular Meeting August 22, 2017 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
Tom Feierabend was in attendance to discuss the preliminary plat of Oak Ridge South Second Edition. The Planning Commission
recommended that the Town Board approve Application 17-4516, the Preliminary Plat of Oak Ridge South Second Edition. The
applicants and property owners are Paul Allen and Tom & Penny Feierabend. The stormwater plan designed by a licensed
engineer was missing as well as a report with the description of the soils on the site and soil test results demonstrating
the adequacy of the property for proposed development in terms of ground water level, and percolation rate for each of the
seven lots. Also the preliminary plat drawing needs to be revised to include new locations for SSTS and dwellings in accordance
with the SSTS site evaluations. There was much discussion about the missing items. Greg made a motion to table the preliminary
plat of Oak Ridge South Second Edition and send it back to the Planning Commission for completion of the application. Seconded
by Doug, motion passed.
Steve Engholm was in attendance to discuss the property at 7193 Barrows Avenue. He had a bid from Hengel Construction
for complete demolition and removal of the burned house and all out buildings and fill to grade. Steve will get another bid
for comparison. He is also talking to a realtor about listing the property. Information concerning the township costs will
be forwarded to the realtor.
The Ordinance Amendment Regarding Floodplain Regulations was discussed. The Planning Commission recommended that the
Town Board approve Application 17-4512, Crow Wing Township Floodplain Ordinance. The legislature of the State of Minnesota
has, in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 103F and Chapter 462, delegated the responsibility to local government units to adopt regulations
designed to minimize flood losses. Crow Wing County has adopted this ordinance and there is no cost to join. Dave made a
motion to adopt the Crow Wing Township Floodplain Ordinance. Greg seconded, motion passed.
A request to install a "No Jake Brake" sign on the exit ramp to Business 371 has been received. MnDOT does
not allow this sign but would allow a "Local Noise Ordinance Enforced" sign if the Town Board would request one.
The Township doesn't have a noise ordinance. No action was taken at this time.
The Chad Jillson, Wade Tomberlin, Dale Dillon, Josh Neelan and Martin Copa property violations were discussed. There
have been no changes.
Public comments included discussion about fixing the playground equipment. Dave has ordered the parts. The funnel for
the antifreeze recycling barrel is missing.
Road issues were discussed. The quote from Tri City Paving is $15.00 ton, ($21.00 per yard) for Class 5 placed on the
shoulders of Cook Road including rolling, sweeping and tacking. The price for Class 5 from Brad Gorron was $13.00 per yard
put in place. Dave is checking with other contractors. Dave contacted Century Link about repairing the damage caused by
MNCOMM on Wetherbee Road and Brandon Way. Anderson Brothers is looking at the damage for MNCOMM and will give them a quote.
Craig's Road graveling is done. It took 240 yards of gravel. Dave returned the permit from Century Link for plowing more
fiber optic cable on 50th Avenue from North of Gorron Road to TH 371 and stated it is not valid until damage on the other
roads is fixed. No news yet from Mills GM on fixing the township truck. Dale's Excavating has not placed the fill dirt on
50th Avenue. There is still a muskrat problem on Cook Road and 50th Avenue and Dave will check with the trapper to get rid
of them.
The recycling dumpsters were discussed. Waste Management will credit back the overage fees if we go to weekly pickups.
Greg made a motion to get weekly pickups on a trial basis for the recycling dumpsters from Waste Management. Seconded by
Dave. Motion passed.
Correspondence was reviewed. The Fall Maintenance Expo in St. Cloud was reviewed. Crow Wing County is doing St. Mathias
Road in 2018 and is asking if the township has any projects to add on to the bid. Dave will bring a recommendation to the
next meeting. CenterPoint Energy is increasing its rates beginning in October.
Time sheets were reviewed and approved.
A request concerning roads in Barrows vacated in 2006 was received from Cygneture Title. Crow Wing County needs a Corrective
Order from the township so the deeds for property transfers can be recorded. The clerk will look into the process.
Greg made a motion to approve the minutes from August 8, 2017. Doug seconded, motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 pm.