Regular Meeting August 8, 2017 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer, Sue Kern, Clerk
Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were gopher bounties paid to Tom Muehlbauer.
The recycling dumpsters were discussed. Dave made a motion to get an additional recycling dumpster from Waste Management.
Seconded by Greg. Motion passed.
The Engholm property at 7193 Barrows Avenue was discussed. There has been no additional information received at this
Daniel Hawley of the Gammello-Pearson law firm sent a letter to Chad Jillson on August 3, 2017 directing him to contact
the attorney's office about removing the mobile home on his property. Dave has received more complaints about activity on
the property. The complaints involve issues that are civil matters and not anything the township can address.
Wade Tomberlin was present to discuss the final notice letter that he received. He wants to keep some of the items that
were listed to be removed. After much discussion he will work on addressing the listed items and a site visit will be done
on September 26, 2017. The Dale Dillon, Josh Neelan and Martin Copa property violations were discussed. There have been
no changes.
Comments from the public were addressed. Dace and Tracy Juilfs were present to discuss the Citizen Complaint about abandoned
vehicles parked at their property. They have scrapped 6 cars that were there and had to move several others out of a pole
shed that is being worked on. They will be moved back in when the pole shed is completed. Two of the vehicles have collector
plates. A letter will be sent to the complainant to inform them about the progress.
Craig's Road needs gravel and reshaping. Dave has already received a quote for graveling the road. The stop sign at
Wild Rice Depot is missing. The township purchased the first sign and a replacement sign is the responsibility of the business
Treasurer's report and claims were reviewed. The gopher bounty paid to Tom Muehlbauer was doubled by mistake. Mr. Muehlbauer
will continue to trap gophers and will contact Dave when he has trapped an additional 29 gophers.
Dave presented the road report. The price for Class 5 for Craig's Road from Brad Gorron is $13 per yard put in place.
Dave estimates it will take 200 cubic yards and will get another quote before doing the work. Dave will get an estimate from
Tri-City paving for repairing the shoulders on Cook Road. Greg made a motion to place Class 1 on the shoulders of Cook Road
for the best possible price. Seconded by Doug, motion passed. Century Link is working with Dave to repair the damage to
the culvert, shoulders and ditch on Wetherbee Road and Brandon Way. The township truck was repaired under warranty and broke
down again. It is currently at Mills for repairs. The parts to repair the playground slide haven't been located yet. Tri
City has not repaired the damage to 50th Avenue yet. Dale's Excavating has not placed the fill dirt on 50th Avenue. Dave
received a call from Century Link about plowing more fiber optic cable on 50th Avenue from North of Gorron Road to TH 371.
The clerk will send Dave a copy of the Crow Wing County Utility Permit, rules and regulations. Doug suggested that pictures
of the area be taken before work starts. Dave will meet with the contractor.
Correspondence was reviewed. Land Services is modifying the Lake Improvement District Policy and sent the township a
copy with revisions. The US Census Bureau sent a letter inviting the township to review their residential address list.
Oak Lawn Township requested information on how we handle stray or dangerous dogs. The clerk will respond to their questions.
The District 8 meeting in Onamia is on August 16, 2017. Greg will check to see if another township will pick up the updated
version of the Township Law Book. The clerk will be out of state for the September 12, 2017 Town Board meeting. Greg made
a motion to have the clerk sign payroll and disbursement checks before the meeting due to the fact that three signatures are
required on each check. Doug seconded, motion passed. Doug made a motion to record the meeting and have the Treasurer take
notes for the minutes. Greg seconded, motion passed. The township was notified that the cost of propane will increase.
The tank was filled this summer before the price increase.
Dave made a motion to approve the minutes from July 11, 2017. Doug seconded, motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.