Regular Meeting July 11, 2017 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer, Sue Kern, Clerk
Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
The concerns about the park and ball field were discussed. Greg contacted Brainerd Parks and Rec and was told they could
not do anything outside the city limits. They suggested trying to contact the Minnesota Twins to help improve the ball field.
There has been damage to the slide at the playground. The equipment brand is Playtime and Dave will try to find repair parts
to fix the slide.
The Engholm property at 7193 Barrows Avenue was discussed. There is previous correspondence about the cleanup process
so the township could pay a contractor to remove the buildings and other items still on the property. An agreement to ensure
sale of the property and payment of township costs would need to be created before the cleanup. Might need to contact an
attorney to draw up an agreement. Steve Engholm is getting an estimate on the cleanup costs. The three parcels combined
meet the minimum requirements for commercial zoning and a new owner could possibly ask for rezoning. The Planning Commission
is in support of the cleanup to clear up the violation and recover all costs paid by the township.
Daniel Hawley of the Gammello-Pearson law firm was directed to send a letter to Chad Jillson. The clerk hasn't heard from
the attorney and will contact him to find out if a letter has been sent.
The letter to Wade Tomberlin listing the items that need to be cleaned up to resolve the current violations before legal
action is initiated was reviewed. Greg made a motion to send the letter to Wade Tomberlin, Doug seconded, motion passed.
Planning Commission member training was discussed. NJPA will pay the registration fee. Brad asked if the township will
pay for mileage and time spent for members to attend training. Town Board approval is required before attending any training
where township funds are spent. Motion by Dave for Brad to attend the Beyond the Basics P&Z training and Paul Stephany
to attend the Role Requirements of a Planning Commissioner training. Seconded by Greg, motion passed. Greg made a motion
to pay Planning Commission members $20 per hour plus mileage when attending training. Seconded by Doug, motion passed.
A Citizen Complaint was received about abandoned vehicles parked at 9459 50th Avenue. A letter will be sent to the owners
requesting they contact the township about the complaint.
The Dale Dillon, Josh Neelan and Martin Copa property violations were discussed. There have been no changes.
Training/meeting costs for township employees was discussed. All expenditures of Township funds must be approved by the
Board, so all requests to attend meetings and training that are paid with township funds must be approved before attending.
Treasurer's report and claims were reviewed. There was a question about the increase in the Waste Management bill. Greg
will stop in at their Baxter office to check into it.
Dave presented the road report. The township truck needs to be repaired under warranty again. The wiring harness will
be moved to try to fix the problem. MINNCOM Underground Utility Contracting of Mora is plowing in cable for Century Link
and has damaged the shoulders and ditch on Wetherbee Road, Brandon Way and near the cemetery. Dave will contact MINNCOM about
the damage. Dave contacted Century Link and their adjuster is supposed to respond to Dave. Dave fixed the cemetery monument
that may have been hit by the lawnmower. There were vehicles in the right-of-way when Dave was mowing the roads. Letters
will be sent to the property owners. A grader damaged the road at the new Fierabend development off Lone Oak Circle and Stone
Correspondence was reviewed. The District 8 meeting in Onamia is on August 16, 2017.
The July 25, 2017 Town Board meeting will be canceled. Time sheets will be emailed to all supervisors for approval.
Cemetery issues were discussed. Doug will contact Mark Platta to get information on the sale of lots and ownership records.
Greg made a motion to approve the minutes as amended from June 27, 2017. Doug seconded, motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.