Crow Wing Township
Planning Commission Meeting July 10, 2017 6:00 PM
Commission Members Present: Brad Arnold (Chair), Dan Lee, Linda Schuety, Paul Stephany, Justin Burslie (Planning &
Zoning Administrator), Greg Smith (Township Supervisor), Duane Ruona (Town Clerk)
Brad called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Paul Stephany was welcomed to the Planning Commission to complete the term of Doug Kern.
There were no public hearings. The plat of Oak Ridge South public meeting will be next month.
Brad asked if there were any additions or deletions to the agenda. There were none.
Open Forum items - Jason Hardy & Steve Engholm were in attendance to discuss the Engholm property. Steve is getting
a bid to clean up the property. He asked the commission if the township would pay the contractor if there were a purchase
agreement on the property that included language to pay all the township's costs incurred to date. A letter dated January
20, 2014 to Isla Engholm stated that if a second cleanup was required, all items would be removed from the property, which
means the property is still in violation. There was discussion about possible future use of the property by a new owner.
Dan made a motion to recommend to the Town Board that the Planning Commission is in support of the cleanup to clear up the
violation and recover all costs paid by the township. Motion was seconded by Linda, motion passed.
Dan made a motion to accept the minutes of the May 8, 2017 meeting. Seconded by Brad. Motion passed.
There was no new business.
Under old business the Wade Tomberlin property violation was discussed. The letter Brad put together was reviewed and
Justin will complete the letter and forward it to the town board for further action.
The Blight Ordinance portion of the Windemere Township Zoning Ordinance was discussed. Greg suggested that a flow chart
showing the steps for ordinance enforcement be added. Justin will put together a draft copy incorporating changes to the
existing Crow Wing Township ordinance for review at the next meeting.
The scheduled training for new planning commission members was canceled and a new date has not been set yet.
A Citizen Complaint was received about abandoned vehicles parked at 9459 50th Avenue. The property will be reviewed by
a township official the complaint forwarded to the Town Board.
The Planning & Zoning Administrator's report was reviewed. It was suggested that the physical address of the affected
property be added to the report. Activity is currently down compared to last year, but more will be coming in and revenue
should be about average for the year.
Dan made a motion to adjourn, Linda seconded, meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.