Regular Meeting June 27, 2017 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, Clerk Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
The concerns about the park and ball field were discussed. Greg will contact Brainerd parks and rec to see if there is
something they could help us with to improve the ball field.
Daniel Hawley of the Gammello-Pearson law firm was directed to send a letter to Chad Jillson. Brad was working on a letter
to Wade Tomberlin listing the items that need to be cleaned up to resolve the current violations. The vehicle in the right-of-way
at the Josh Neelan property has been moved. The Martin Copa property violation was discussed.
Dave presented the road report. He has received replacement wafers for the broom. The township truck has been repaired
under warranty. ARRO surveying called Dave about the damage to Wetherbee Road and Gorron Road. They haven't fixed the roads
yet. Greg and Doug have reviewed the culverts that Tri-City still needs to fix on 50th Avenue. It was suggested that Dave
check with another contractor for adding extensions instead of the rip rap Tri City wants to use. MINNCOM Underground Utility
Contracting of Mora is plowing in cable for Century Link and has damaged the shoulders and ditch on Wetherbee. Dave will
contact MINNCOM about the damage. Tri City also needs to repair the damage to the end of 50th Avenue when they finished the
portion in Fort Ripley Township. Dave will contact them about repairing the damage. Kim Parker trapped 2 beaver and will
send a bill to the township.
Steve Engholm was in attendance to discuss the property at 7193 Barrows Avenue. His attorney has not sent Steve anything
on legal fees that are filed against the property in addition to the approximately $3,000 from the previous clean up. Greg
got an estimate of $5-$10 thousand to clean it up. There is a person interested in purchasing the property and Steve invited
him to attend the next Planning Commission meeting to discuss the cleanup options available to the township.
Correspondence was reviewed. Erickson Electric sent a site survey to inform the township of work that will be done in
July and August on township road ROW. The clerk will inform them that the ROW needs to be restored to original condition
within 30 days of completion. Brainerd pipe supply sent a letter informing the township that they have pipe and culverts
for sale.
Payroll was reviewed and approved.
Board of Appeal Certification was discussed. Greg will be the next one up for recertification. His certification expires
on 7/1/2017. Dave is good until 7/1/2019. Doug will wait until after the next township election before getting certified.
Doug made a motion to approve the minutes from June 13, 2017. Dave seconded, motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm.