Regular Meeting June 13, 2017 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Supervisor Doug Kern, Treasurer Sue Kern, Clerk
Duane Ruona.
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
Cassandra Jensen was present to discuss concerns about the park and ball field. It appears that there needs to be sand
added under the playground equipment. Dave will haul sand in to be placed on the playground and under the swings. There
are weeds growing up around the equipment also. It was brought up that vinegar will kill the weeds and is not harmful to
children. The ball field would cost a lot to improve. It is not used regularly. Ms. Jensen informed the Board that the
Brainerd Parks and Rec department could use another ball field for teams to practice on. Greg will contact Brainerd parks
and rec to see if there is something they could help us with to improve the ball field.
Steve Engholm was in attendance to discuss the property at 7193 Barrows Avenue. There was a fire at the house on the
property and the cause is currently under investigation. Steve asked if the township would clean it up and assess the costs
to the property. He was told that there are legal fees assessed to the property in addition to the approximately $3,000 from
the previous clean up. Greg will contact Reid's Backhoe to get an estimate on cleaning up the property and Steve will bring
a list of the fees that are charged to the property to the next Board meeting.
The letter from Daniel Hawley of the Gammello-Pearson law firm was reviewed. They will handle the enforcement process
of ordinance violations for $130 per hour. Dave made a motion to have Mr. Hawley send a letter to Chad Jillson about his
current ordinance violation. Doug seconded, motion passed.
Brad has drafted a letter to Wade Tomberlin listing the items that need to be cleaned up to resolve the current violations.
He will have Justin review the letter before it is sent to Mr. Tomberlin. There is a vehicle in the right-of-way at the Josh
Neelan property. Greg will contact a towing company to remove the vehicle. The Martin Copa property violation was discussed.
The MPCA has visited the site but the vegetation is too high to get a clear view of the property. They will revisit the
site in the fall.
Public comment. Cassandra Jensen had a question about the property next to the Michael Degen property formerly owned
by Jackie Jensen. There is a modular home there that has had the door open for over a year and is completely trashed inside.
A cement slab has been pored but no other activity has taken place. A permit was taken out and may be expired. Brad will
check with Justin and get back to the Board.
Doug made a motion to appoint Paul Stephany to the Planning Commission to complete Doug Kern's term. Greg seconded, motion
passed. The clerk will send Paul a letter.
Town Board members completed the signature cards for Crow Wing Power Credit Union and Brainerd Savings and Loan accounts.
The Treasurer's report and claims were reviewed.
Dave presented the road report. Crack sealing has been completed. The crack sealing on Golden Oaks by Anderson Brothers
cost $167.83. That will be paid out of the deposit from Golden Oaks being held for maintenance issues. ARRO Land Surveying
from Pequot Lakes has damaged Wetherbee Road and Gorron Road. The clerk will contact them to get the damage fixed. The township's
truck is currently at Mills GM to try to get the starting problems fixed. It should be under warranty. The tractor window
was broken by a rock when mowing. Dave and Randy replaced the window and a claim will be submitted to insurance. Tri City
has replaced 3 culverts but is having a problem with 2 others on 50th. The want to use rip rap instead. Greg will review
the area and bring a recommendation back to the next board meeting. MINNCOM Underground Utility Contracting of Mora is plowing
in cable for Century Link and has damaged the shoulders and ditch on Wetherbee, Brandon Way and the cemetery road. Dave will
contact them about repairing the damage.
Correspondence was reviewed. The 2016 population and household estimates was received from the Minnesota State Demographic
The clerk will check to see when the Board of Appeal certification for the supervisors will expire.
Doug made a motion to approve the minutes from May 23, 2017. Dave seconded, motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.