Regular Meeting April 25, 2017 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Mark Platta, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Treasurer Sue Kern, Clerk
Duane Ruona
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
There were no gopher bounties.
Chad Jillson violation was discussed. A new complaint was received about the mobile home on the neighboring property.
A letter was sent to Mr. Jillson about the violation inviting him to the Town Board meeting and giving him 30 days to remove
the mobile home. Brad will try to contact Mr. Jillson about the violation.
The Wade Tomberlin property is scheduled for another inspection. A letter will be sent to Mr. Tomberlin informing him
that Planning Commission Chair Brad Arnold will conduct the inspection on Monday, May 8, 2017 at 4:00 PM to gauge the progress
that has been made on correcting the violations.
Wesley Juaire did clean up the Fuchs/Juaire property and a letter thanking him for cleaning up the property will be sent.
Nothing appears to have been done at the Dillon property. A Citizen Complaint was received about the Engholm property at
7193 Barrows Avenue. A letter will be sent to Steve Engholm requesting information on the cleanup process.
With Marks departure from the Town Board, someone else will need to take over the records for Oakland Cemetery. There
have been issues with inaccurate records so Mark will help with the transition.
Greg made a motion to appoint Doug Kern to complete the term of Mark Platta, beginning May 9, 2017 and ending March, 2018.
Mark seconded, motion passed.
Brad presented the Planning Commission report. The Planning Commission will discuss the vacancy that will be created
by Doug's appointment to Township Supervisor. There has been some activity with new permits and MnDOT approved the variance
requested by Chad Knudson for constructing public storage buildings next to Wild Rice Depot.
Dave presented the road report. He will be sweeping the roads with the used Sweepster 7' broom that will mount on the
John Deere tractor. Anderson Brothers is expected to begin crack sealing in a few weeks. They are to have all roads completed
by June 1st. Dave will contact Dale's Excavating to do the shouldering on 50th Avenue. Dave will contact the county about
being able to do additional shouldering on the end of Cook Road. Greg made a motion to spend up to $25,000 for the shouldering
material. Mark seconded, motion passed 2-1.
Correspondence was reviewed. A letter from the Crow Wing County Highway Department was received informing the township
that St. Mathias Road will be resurfaced in 2018 and Cr 123 and CR 153 (Greenwood Street) will be completed in 2021. A tax
court filing notice was received from Crow Wing County Land Services. A letter of thanks was received from the Crow Wing
County Historical Society for the $250 donation.
Reorganizational items were reviewed beginning with Policies and Fees:
Title Searches-free unless by mail then $25 fee will be charged.
Buried Cable Permits-free.
Notary Stamp-free at meetings.
Use of Personal Equipment-$15 per hour (skid steer requires Board action).
Photocopies-first 10 free, $0.25 per page thereafter.
Entry Permits-$50.
Town Hall and Park Rental & Deposit-$30 resident, $60 non-resident; deposit $250
Wages for township employees and committee members were reviewed.
The following remained the same:
Supervisors-$65/month and $100/meeting
Planning Commission Chair/Members-$60/$50 per meeting
Cemetery Actuary-$25/per job
Lawn Mowing, Handyman, Cleaning Person, Other Hourly Employment-$20/hour
The following were changed:
Recycling Workers-$75 per Saturday (9am-12pm)
Election Judges-$15/hour head judge; $13/hour other judges (includes township employees)
Greg made a motion to set the wages and fees per the above list effective May 1, 2017. Mark seconded, motion passed 2-1.
Mark made a motion to adopt Resolution 2017-01, authorizing Dave Schultz to work with the roads for next year. Greg seconded,
motion passed.
Greg made a motion to name town depositories as those with which we currently have accounts: Crow Wing Power and Brainerd
Savings and Loan. Dave seconded, motion passed.
Dave made a motion to approve the meeting schedule as printed and presented at the annual meeting and continue with the
three designated posting sites (town hall as the official site with courtesy posting at Wild Rice Depot and on the Crow Wing
Township website). Mark seconded, motion passed.
Dave will take Mark’s place on the Brainerd Fire Advisory Board.
Mark made a motion to approve the minutes from March 28, 2017. Greg seconded, motion passed. Dave made a motion to approve
the minutes of April 11, 2017. Greg seconded, motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.