Regular Meeting May 9, 2017 6:00pm Crow Wing Town Hall
Board Members Present: Chairman Greg Smith, Supervisor Doug Kern, Supervisor Dave Schultz, Treasurer Sue Kern, Clerk
Duane Ruona
Greg called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and the pledge to the flag was recited.
Cake and coffee were served in recognition of the retirement of Mark Platta. Greg presented Mark a plaque for his 20
years of service to Crow Wing Township.
There were 39 gopher bounties from Ronnie Roscoe.
The Maier Cemetery Deed transfer was signed by Greg and Dave.
Brad Arnold presented the Planning Commission report. The Windemere Township ordinance was reviewed and discussed. The
Planning Commission members will review the ordinance and come to the next meeting with their recommendations. Paul Stephany
was recommended by the Planning Commission to complete the term vacated by Doug Kern. After discussion it was decided to
post the position for 30 days as has been past practice. The clerk will notify Paul of the Board's decision.
The Chad Jillson property violation was discussed. A new complaint was received about the mobile home on the neighboring
property. There has been no response to the letter that was sent on April 12, 2017 requesting that the mobile home be removed
from the property. Nothing has been moved and Brad will try to contact Mr. Jillson about the violation. The Board will consider
initiating legal action at the next meeting.
Steve Engholm called the clerk about the letter he received concerning a Citizen Complaint that was received about the
Engholm property at 7193 Barrows Avenue. He was unable to attend the meeting and had asked about the process of having the
Township clean up the property and assess the costs to the property taxes.
The Wade Tomberlin property violation was discussed. Brad visited the property per the previous correspondence that was
sent to Wade. Mr. Tomberlin has been cleaning up near the fence. The outhouse has been moved and is in compliance with the
state permit. It appears that progress has been made to clean up the property. Wade asked Brad to give him a list of the
current items in violation and he will take care of it.
The Jamie Markuson property was discussed. It is currently in the 60 day redemption period. After that expires, the
county will clean up the property.
The Josh Neelan property was discussed. He has stated that he is buying and selling the items that are stored on his
property. This could be considered a home business and regulated as such.
A community-wide cleanup was discussed. A previous event resulted in a large number of items being brought in. Greg
will contact County Commissioner Koering about possible funding for such an event.
Greg stated that Heidi Kroening from MPCA will look into the Martin Copa violation that they were previously investigating.
Nothing appears to have been done at the Dillon property. Dave Peterson has contacted Justin about the Dillon vehicles
parked on his property.
Greg contacted Mike's Tree Service to get an estimate to remove the leaning pine tree on 50th Avenue. They want $450
to drop it on the road. Dave can take care of it by using his skid steer at the rate of $40 per hour plus the operator's
time. Greg will contact the property owner about the tree removal.
The Treasurer's report and claims were reviewed and approved. The sweeping costs will be coded separately to keep track
of yearly costs.
Dave presented the road report. Anderson Brothers has routered and sealed the cracks on the 8 miles of new roads. They
are to have all roads completed by June 1st. Greg will talk to Lake Edward Township about how they do their crack sealing
with the equipment they have and how many people it takes to use the equipment. Dave will contact Dale's Excavating about
the shouldering on 50th Avenue. Dave will contact the county about being able to do additional shouldering on the end of
Cook Road. Dave is done sweeping about a third of the township roads. He will finish the rest of the roads shortly.
Correspondence was reviewed. A letter from the Minnesota Revenue Minerals Tax Office was reviewed. A letter of thanks
was received from LAPS for the $1000 donation.
Dave made a motion to approve the minutes from April 25, 2017. Doug seconded, motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 pm.